23 - Why, Angel?

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"Y/n! Didja get any internship offers?"

Only ten minutes back in class and the students were on you like hounds with a new chew toy.

Being the odd member out of the group in that you were the only one to pay the hospital a visit, everyone's questions buzzed through the air without delay.

After a night bed-bound, because the staff insisted you stay for observation, you were let off without substantial injuries.

True to his word, Hawks had managed to steal a minute to swing by that ramen shop he was obsessed with and loot the place of all your favorite dishes. He was a child with candy on the way home, sitting in the back of the black, HPSC-issued car that acted as your private chauffeur.

The question of why you couldn't just catch the bus home bubbled under the surface as the city passed through the tinted windows, all shades of gray and black.

But Hawks didn't know how to drive, never was taught, and this was the way it had always been.

Always a black car. Always the same driver: a man you'd never seen without the barrier of a black hat and sunglasses, rain or shine, snow or sleet. The most he'd ever uttered were one-word answers in a deep, clipped tone that bled with professionalism.

It'd been a few days since returning to the classroom, and everyone was radiant as the class broke into life with chatter.

You rubbed at your eyes, mustering a smile for Kaminari as he waited for your answer. "I hope I did; otherwise, the sports festival was for nothing."

Sero let out a laugh. "That's one way to look at it."

"You better have gotten offers," Kaminari said, undeterred.

Your eyebrows met. "Why do you say that?"

Mina sat on a desk to your side. Aizawa had yet to show up for first period, and it was your first time seeing everyone since the festival.

Despite your better interests, something had tugged at your gut when Mina drew you into her arms, when Kaminari started throwing baseball-sized questions at you, when Sero smirked and asked why it'd taken you so long to kick Todoroki's ass, when Kirishima asked in all earnestness if you were doing alright, even when Bakugo sulked in his chair and didn't acknowledge you more than a derisive snort.

"Cause if you didn't get any offers, then there's no chance for the rest of us," Sero said.

You scoffed, letting your eyes flit over to the windows. "What happened to being proud of your performance?"

Mina hummed. "That's true." She looked over at him. "We shouldn't compare ourselves to other people."

Kaminari groaned. "You sound like my mom."

"I don't mind," she said. "Your mom's hot."


Past the idle chatter buzzing around the 1-A classroom, everyone's excitement was tangible in the air, as if it was grabbing the sides of your face, making you look straight into its eyes as it said, 'I'm here! I'm excited! I'm not going to stop until you are too!'

The sports festival had turned out a bigger crowd than usual this year, and if you'd had the chance or desire to step out of your house, you were sure you'd get the same treatment. Members of your class had already started getting recognized in public.

Only a few days after the official end of the festival, most everyone spread tails of getting noticed in a crowd, feeling spectators' eyes as they went about their ordinary lives.

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