18 - The Unexpected

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The backyard was always for training, you'd learned.

It had been a few weeks since moving in with Hawks; your habits changed, your daily routine changed.

Everything changed.

You just couldn't tell if you liked it, or resented it.

"C'mon Papa, just a few more minutes!" The two feathers in your hands swayed with your wings as you bounced on the balls of your feet.

Hawks laughed. (It was different from how Touya used to laugh, but you tried not to think about him too much. His memory invaded your dreams enough, you couldn't bear him tormenting your waking mind too).

"We've been out here for three hours, Little Bird," he said. His wings glowed in the setting sun, a deep and pure crimson compared to your white feathers with big stains of red strewn among at random. "Don't you think it's time for a break?"

You blinked, lowering your arms. "A break?"

"You've been training since before the sun rose, and it's nearly dinner time. You can help me set up dinner instead."

"But I thought..." Your mind was still caught on the word 'break'. You'd never... They hadn't... You didn't get... "What about training?"

"Overworking your body is just as bad as underworking it, kid. Being a hero means you need to know the right balance."

"And you know what the right balance is?"

Hawks grinned. "Yeah, that's why I'm such a good hero."

"Sakamoto-san said not to be prideful."

"Sakamoto-san, as I see it, is not here nor does she have a sense of humor."

"A sense of humor?"

"It's when you can appreciate a joke, or even come up with your own."

"Oh." You thought a moment. "Sakamoto-san would tell me to keep training. She'd also say your homemade noodles tasted like soggy cardboard."


"But, as you see it, she's not here."

There was a silence until understanding dawned on Hawks' face. He smiled again, eyes glinting in the evening light. "Well how 'bout that, she can be taught!"

"I want to keep training."

He thought for another minute before saying, "How about this: we keep going for another thirty minutes and then we go inside and have dinner. How's that sound?"

The air filled with your hesitation.

But then you felt your stomach twist. You thought about training for another three hours like Sakamoto would instruct and a shudder worked through your spine.

Suddenly, you were aware how heavy your arms had gotten from the day, and warm food (however soggy) began to look a lot more appetizing than staying outside until your muscles screamed and your bones ached.

"Okay," you said. "I guess we could do that."

Hawks nodded and some kind of ripple of understanding passed between the two of you. For some reason, you had the thought that he knew exactly what you were feeling, like he'd lived through it himself.

"Alright then, let's get ready for another round."

He adjusted on his knees so he could look at the automatic moving target hanging on a tree branch from your height. Whenever it sensed a threat, the pad would jolt to the side to avoid the attack.

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