15 - Heads or Tails?

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It was the one year anniversary of this fic on the 21st of May! That was the day I started writing down ideas, character prototypes, et cetera. (In the beginning, I didn't even know this was going to be a Todoroki x Reader, he just seemed like the best option so I went for it.) Anyways, yay, have fun reading :)


"Remind me why we're here again?" you asked, squinting as the sheer size of the HPSC headquarters.

It always felt bigger on the inside, more enclosed too. Like one giant ant hill.

Keigo stood next to you, yellow glasses pushing the hair out of his face while he mirrored your gaze at the building before checking the time on his watch.

Another gift, courtesy of the commission, identical to yours apart from the color. His a deep red, yours a dark blue.

Your wrists both felt heavier with the added weight.

"They said it was just going to be a quick meeting."

"Yeah, but why? They never hold these kind of impromptu get-togethers."

"Maybe they just missed us." You heard the smile in his words

"That's one idea."

"You can just say it's horrible and move on, I won't take offense."

You looked over at him, raising a brow. "Alright, it was a horrible idea and most likely untrue."

"Yeah, you're probably right. They always liked you better."

Snorting, you waved to the black car that had dropped the two of you off on the curb before swiveling on your heel and starting to head inside. "Because I do better on my tests?"

As Hawks started to follow after, you caught him mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like 'no, because you always listen.'

After stepping into the air-conditioned corporate building, you were quickly ushered in by a woman holding a silver tablet in her arms. You wondered what the shade of her lipstick was named, probably something like bloodlust, or teacher's favorite red pen.

She led the two of you over to the furthest elevator from the entrance, sinking a black key card into a narrow slot before pressing on the highest available button. Smooth jazz orchestrated your ascent. You felt the stories fade below as the elevator climbed higher and higher.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doors slid open with well-oiled ease. Another hallway stretched out past the lip of the elevator, this one far less inviting the first.

Something felt wrong about being so high up yet with not a single window to stare out of. For all you knew, it was dark and stormy out in the world and you would've never been the wiser.

This was nothing like Endeavor's agency, prick of a man he was, he hired good architects.

The woman's heels clicked on the hard tile like the click of a gun trigger until you'd reached a set of double doors. After pulling them open, she practically pushed the two of you inside, closing the doors with a firm bolt of a handle. Now you saw where all the budgeting for windows went.

Floor to ceiling glass covered the room, giving a fine view over the clouds. You were surprised that people without highly developed respiratory systems like you and Hawks could breathe comfortably without an air mask so far up, but no such aid could be seen as your eyes swept face after face.

As soon as you saw the lady, Your Lady, your posture subconsciously straightened. Your shoulder rolled back, chest pulled forward, hands clasped behind your back, eyes hardened. She sat at the head of a long glass table, a lone manilla folder lay in front of her.

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