I go sit and beside quiet Charlotte. I have never seen her this quiet and I hate it more than anything. I take her hand in mine and kiss it. "Charlotte. I know you probably can't hear me but I just want you to know that I really really like you. I want more time with you."


My head feels heavy and I can't open my eyes but to my shock, I can just hear everything. I have no idea where I am but I am pretty sure it's a hospital. Duh. Obviously I am in a hospital. I got hurt pretty badly. Suddenly I hear the voice I was dying to hear. Pun unintended.

 "Charlotte. I know you probably can't hear me but I just want you to know that I really really like you. I want more time with you." Omg, he thinks I can't hear so he is confessing his feelings to me. It feels like cheating but I can't help it. "I can't see you like this. Just wake up and run your smart mouth." He says everything as he is holding my hand in his.

Oh my god, he is going to make me fall harder for him. I wish I could wake up and tell him I am just alright. "Today while practicing, I was thinking about how hard you work which makes me want to do the same. You inspire me to be and do better. I hope you know that." I do now.

 Everything he says is melting my heart more and more. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like him. There is so much difference between him at school and him at any other place. But now I know that this right here is the real Edward and I love him even more than before.

I just want to somehow wake up and kiss him. But I can't. After another hour, I still get can't myself to wake up. Later on, Edward was joined by Derek. They both have been awfully quiet ever since. I don't think they both would get along so well. But I hope they do because they are two of the most important men in my life after dad and bro. Edward is still holding my hand and it makes me feel safe.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp shooting pain in my head which makes me bolt up from my sleep. Edward and Derek both look at me anxiously as I take in my surroundings. I am in a room with white-colored walls with lots of instruments. There is a tube attached to my arm, which is really uncomfortable for me. "What's wrong, Charlotte? Are you okay?" Edward asks looking at me as he looks relieved. 

"My head hurts." I manage to get the words out through the pain.

This time Derek is the one to reply, "I will go get the doctor." He leaves and I sit up. Edward comes closer to me, holds my face in his hands and kisses me on the mouth. He pulls back in a few seconds and scans my face closely, "I am so glad that you are fine. I don't know what I would do to myself if something were to happen to you." 

"You would be just fine." I say as few tears fall of my face.

Edward places a finger on my lips, "Shh.... First of all, I wouldn't and second of all, we don't need to talk about something like this ever again." He wipes my tears and kisses my cheek. "You need to lie down." Edward lies me down by my shoulders.

 "But I have slept long enough." I say grumpily. I never thought I would be tired of sleeping.

"That's okay; I am not asking you to sleep. Just don't get up." He says as he caresses my forehead with his hand. "Okay." I say because I actually can't sit upright.

Just then, Derek reappears with the doctor. Derek gives me a slight smile which I return. "Hello, Charlotte I am Dr. James. How are you feeling now? Is the headache too severe?" Dr. James, as he introduced himself, who looks like he is in his late forties or early fifties, asks me as he goes through some papers. 

"It's not too bad but I don't feel very okay." I say as Dr. James approaches me. 

"That's obvious as you have lost some blood and the medications might also be making you feel this way. The headache will go away soon. If it doesn't, we will take further tests but the all the reports taken earlier are clear so there's nothing to worry about." He explains. "Okay. Thank you." Derek says.

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