4 - Grown Up

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One thing Katsuki wasn't prepared for, when he realized he was having a child, was that time flies by ten times quicker when you get to watch your own blood grow up. 

To be honest, he wished Kate would have always stayed small, only crying when she needed to get changed or fed. But now, it was way worse. 

"Papa! Wake up!" 

Bakugou groaned as he rolled over in bed, feeling his daughter's weight disappear from his torso as a thump occurred on the ground next to him. 

"COME ON! It's your free day today papa. I wanna get ice-cream!" The four-year-old cheered, tapping her father's chin with her finger. Unlike her, he was able to grow hair and needed to shave his beard every morning. Something she thought was funny to watch, since her father usually had a beard of cream before shaving. 

"It's too early. Go back to bed." Katsuki groaned, opening his eyes to a small blonde child. She had grown a lot and now measured around three feet. Her excitement and high-pitched voice had only grown too. She had already discovered her quirk; being able to produce spouts of black ink from the tip of her fingers, just like her mother. Kate thought her quirk was very hero-like and wanted to become the next Katink, following in her mother's footsteps. Bakugou, on the other hand, didn't like the idea too much despite the fact that he cheered her on. He hated the idea of his daughter getting hurt. 

"If you don't behave, I'll bring you to the daycare for the day." He mumbled, rolling over to face the other way. He heard a long whine before his mattress moved again, his daughter beginning to bounce on the bed. 

"You wouldn't do that! It's your day off and you said you wanted to spend some time with me!" She squealed, sitting on top of the blonde's waist. Katsuki flipped over on his back his air being restricted by the weight of his daughter on his abdomen. 

"Alright, jeez. I'll get up. But we're only getting ice-cream after lunch." He grumbled, gently setting the girl aside as he sat up. Kate smiled bright, launching herself off the bed to run into the kitchen. Katsuki grumbled as he stood out of bed, the cool air of the room hitting his bare chest. He made his way to his dresser, pulling out a black shirt before picking up his phone from the nightstand next to his bed. He flipped it over, swiping away some notifications before his eyes landed on one. A text from a dear friend of his. 

Izuku Midoriya and him had become great friends, Izuku babysitting his daughter often. They had spent a lot of time together and Katsuki even introduced the greenette to other heroes. Even though Izuku was a big fanboy, he was very nice and a chill person overall. He was a great friend to the blonde and Bakugou really liked Izuku for his great personality. 

Izuku: Heyyy! Thanks so much for last night. It was great! I enjoyed it a lot. Tell Kate I had a great time playing heroes with her, too. We should do it again sometime, whenever you're not busy, hehe. :D

Bakugou smiled at the memory. He remembered the night prior, when Izuku came over for dinner. The greenette had spent most of his time playing a hero game with his daughter, leaving Bakugou to do the dishes on his own. Of course, when Kate went to bed, Izuku helped him pick things up and thanked him before leaving. 

The blonde sighed as he typed on his screen, replying to the message he had received earlier that morning. 

Katsuki: No problem. Yeah, we should do it again. I had fun cleaning up the messes you two made lol. I'm off today and Kate wants ice-cream. I was planning on bringing her around two. If you're not busy you're invited to join us.

Bakugou's breath hitched when he saw the greenette's avatar pop up. Midoriya was always someone to text back quickly, as if he was waiting for someone's message all the time. 

Izuku: HECK YEAH!! I'd love to join you!! Where should we meet??

Katsuki: Just meet us at my place before we leave haha

Katsuki watched as a thumbs up emoji appeared on his screen, and he stuffed his phone in his back pocket. He slid on his shirt, yawning in the process as he decided to begin making his bed. One thing about Izuku he liked at lot was that Katsuki seemed to be his priority. Midoriya always left work just to see the blonde. Bakugou felt cared for.

Bakugou slid up his sheets, making sure to make his bed in the most proper way. He tapped his pillows a few times, backing away to admire his work. He smiled for a few short seconds, before a very loud screech was heard throughout the apartment. Katsuki's heart dropped as he leaped towards his bedroom door, following the sound of the scream. He ended up in the kitchen, where a screaming girl was sitting on the ground. 

"Hey-! Hey! What happened?!" Katsuki spoke, crouching down. His eyes landed on a nearby stool, a box of cereal that was spread across the ground as well as his daughter's oddly crooked leg. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to catch her break, nothing but loud sobs escaping her mouth. "Jesus, come here! Fuck!" The blonde cursed, carefully picking the girl up. He swiftly made his way towards the front door of his apartment, using a hand to open the door. The morning air was cool, but it didn't bother any of them. 

Bakugou hurried to his car, setting his daughter in the backseat as he slammed the door behind him. His bare feet ached on the cold ground as he made his way back up to his apartment, grabbing his keys and shoes before locking the door and going back to his vehicle. 

Ice-cream was canceled. Now, they were headed to the hospital with a case of a broken leg.

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