7 - Hello Hospital

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"HELLO!" Kate giggled loudly, rolling over on her back. Izuku snickered at the child's foolishness before answering with another Hello himself. They had been doing this for the past fifteen minutes, and Midoriya was getting a bit tired of it. Yet, Kate seemed to be enjoying herself. So, he continued. 

"When does Papa get home?" The child suddenly stopped, acting serious as she regained her sitting position. Izuku shrugged, looking down. He missed Bakugou a lot. A lot of crimes had been happening, lately. Therefore, Izuku was stuck babysitting Kate while the blonde spent his time fighting villains. He hadn't spent much time with the pro hero, since the night they had confessed their feelings over the phone. But he still understood the fact that his friend wasn't ready to get involved in anything too romantic as he was still holding on to his deceased wife. 

"I don't know, Kate. How about I make you a grilled cheese for dinner, hm?" He spoke, standing up from the living room floor. He made his way towards the kitchen, taking out a pan and the loaf of bread. This was probably the only thing he knew how to cook well. 

"I want lots of cheese." Kate exclaimed, leaping towards the kitchen. Izuku looked back to the child, crouching down next to her. 

"Now, Kate. What did the doctors say about running? Your leg is still healing, so take it easy. Just because you don't have a cast anymore doesn't mean you're 100%. Only walking, okay?" He spoke, earning a frantic nod from the young girl.

"I'll stop running." She spoke, watching as the man continued to prepare her grilled cheese. Izuku tried his best to make a decent grilled cheese, satisfied with how it came out. He handed it to the child, who took it with joy. He set Kate in front of the television so she could watch her favorite show while Izuku tried to get a hold of Katsuki. He wanted the blonde to return early today, so they could have some time together as well. Bakugou was his friend, after all. And he wanted some time with him, that's all. 

Freckled fingers hovered over the screen as a notification was seen. A notification he had received earlier but hadn't noticed until now. 

Missed Call from Katsuki (4:34PM)
Missed Call from Katsuki (4:35PM)
Missed Call from Katsuki (4:39PM)

Missed Call from Unknown Number (4:41PM)
Missed Call from Unknown Number (4:47PM)

Missed Call from Katsuki (4:52PM)

Izuku's features twisted in confusion to the sight of the notifications, knowing something was wrong. Bakugou never called him, ever. It didn't even phase him to see the Unknown Numbers. Midoriya's shaky hand hovered over the Call Back button before he pressed it. He turned to face the living room, where Kate was eating lunch while watching a TV show. His eyes landed on the television, where the image of a cartoon girl was slipping on a pair of shoes, bringing her to another dimension. 


Izuku's heart ached to the sound of an unknown voice, answering Katsuki's phone. A female. 

"Uhm, this number called me, earlier. I missed their calls." Midoriya explained, not knowing what else to say. 

"Oh... Deku?" The voice asked, clearly unsure. Izuku looked down, not knowing how this person knew about his nickname. The nickname Kate and Katsuki had been using. 

"Who's this?" The greenette replied, worry growing inside him.

"I'm sorry, I believe we've never properly met. I'm Dynamight's mother. He asked me to reach out to you... He's in the hospital." At that moment, Midoriya felt himself choke. "It's nothing serious. He woke up this morning with a sharp pain in his abdomen and sometime during the afternoon, it got unbearable. One of his coworkers led him to the nearest hospital. He's in surgery right now, for his appendix. Before passing out, he asked for me to call you and bring Kate here." The woman explained. Izuku felt his shoulders relax to the sound of the blonde being okay. The appendix wasn't too bad, compared to the injuries the blonde had went through while doing hero work.

"I see." The greenette managed to let out with a sigh. He glanced to the living room, where a blonde girl was watching Franny's Feet. "I'll be right over, as soon as possible." He finished before hanging up the phone. He made his way to the living room, staring at the television for a few minutes. He waited until the girl was done her meal before bringing it up. 

"Kate, put on your shoes, 'kay?" He decided to order, putting on his own. The girl didn't hesitate, always ready for a new adventure with her green-haired friend. 

"Where are we going?" She giggled, grabbing her jacket when she noticed Midoriya was preparing to leave the apartment. 

"Your grandmother called. Daddy's seeing some doctors right now. We're going to go see what he's up to, 'kay?" He said with a happy smile. He watched as the child's face twisted between confusion and curiosity. He knew if he said Katsuki was in surgery and had been dealing with pain, she'd certainly panic and possibly cry. 

"Okay! Is gramma there?" The small blonde questioned, following the man out the door. Izuku nodded as he helped her into his car. Before he knew it, they were both headed towards the hospital. It was late, and Kate would usually be going to bed soon. However, in a case like this, Izuku thought it was an exception. Bakugou would probably want to see Kate when he woke up.

Izuku was quick to park his car in the hospital's parking lot, looking over to a tired girl. He helped her out of the vehicle and brought her inside, carrying her around in his arms as she was too tired to walk on her own. He managed to ask the receptionist where the blonde was located in the building and was soon meeting his friend's mother for the first time. He was glad to have Kate with him, since it made things easier and less awkward between Mitsuki Bakugou and him.

Kate fell asleep before Katsuki was out of surgery, but that didn't matter. She was there, just like Katsuki had asked. Izuku made conversations with the pro's mother, who came out to be an amazing person, just like her son and her granddaughter. They also looked alike, the three of them. Something cool, Midoriya thought. 

Things were fine until a doctor walked out, holding both good news and bad news. The good news: Bakugou was fine, and the surgery had gone great. The bad: Katsuki would be unable to do hero work for a few months, nor would he be able to engage in anything too physically demanding. Bakugou was to stay at home and limit any contact with anyone so he could rest, until doctors said otherwise.

The worse: That meant Izuku's job as a babysitter was postponed, and he wouldn't be able to see his friend for some time.

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