Just Friends - Sokeefe

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Super short sokeefe human thing cause we all love fluff :)


"Keeeeeeffffeee." Sophie groaned. "Stop it."

Keefe tickled her on the neck. "No way."

"Oh come on. Go get me a cookie or something."

"Nuh-uh. I'm going to annoy the heck out of you by playing tickle monster."

"I'm working, Keefe."

"You've been doing college work for three hours, Foster. Like I'm going to stop." Keefe tickled her again and Sophie laughed.

"Come on." She got up and offered Keefe her hand. Keefe took it and pulled her back onto the couch with him.

"Keefe!" Sophie fell on top of him and the two of them burst out laughing.

"Foster, I'm hungry." Keefe said randomly.

"Me too. Let's make cookies."



"What type of cookies?"

"Elf-shaped cookies." Sophie grinned. 

"El-Fudges?" Keefe leapt up like a child.

"Nope. I got these adorable elf cookie-cutters from Amazon and we're going to use them."

"But we're horrible bakers." Keefe pointed out.

"You're a horrible baker. Not me." Sophie proclaimed.

Keefe snorted. "Remember when you tried to make cupcakes?"

"That was a one time thing."

"The muffins?"

"Those were supposed to be vinegar-flavored."

"The brownies?"

"How was I supposed to know you don't eat raw batter?"

"Sure, Foster." Keefe got up and patted Sophie's head. "Cookies it is."

Sophie started to get out the ingredients. Keefe started to eat chocolate chips and arrange them into patterns with cookie-cutters.


"What? I'm an artist." Keefe said proudly.

Sophie rolled her eyes and stuffed a chocolate chip in her mouth.

"Okay, okay, cookie time." Keefe said seriously. He dumped half the box of chocolate chips inside.

Sophie stared at him.

"I like chocolate." Keefe told her.

She grabbed a handful of flour and sprinkled it on his face.

"FOSTER." He grabbed a whisk and hit her on the side of her head with it.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She grabbed a handful of chocolate and smashed it in his hair.

"Not. The. Hair." Keefe playfully growled. He snatched the milk carton and poured it over Sophie's shirt.

"You did not!" It turned into a huge cookie-ingredient fight.

Neither of them got cookies.


It was a calm day at the beach. Sophie was relaxing in her new bathing suit and reading her favorite book, the Outsiders, under a green-and-blue striped umbrella.

Keefe was throwing around a beachball and writing in the sand in red swim trunks. He doodled a random picture Sophie couldn't see.

"Foster!" He hollered.

She looked up. "Yes, Keefe?"

"Let's go in the water!"

"No way. It's freezing and I'm happy here."

"Put that book down and have some fun! C'mon Soph!"

She rolled her eyes. "No thanks Keefe. I'm fine."

He pouted like a kid, but decided to give up on for some reason, walked over into the other direction away from her.

Was he seriously angry?

She stared at him, not believing it and folded her arms. The nerve of that Sencen boy. Well, if he didn't appreciate her company, he didn't deserve it.

A few minutes later, however, Keefe came back with three snow cones. He handed on to her and kept two for himself.

"That's why you went?"

"Yep. I was hungry." Keefe said stupidly. "Now will you go with me?"


He smashed the snow cone in her hair. "Gotcha!" 

"KEEFE!" He took off as fast as possible and Sophie started chasing after him. The two of them ended up in a tangled mess in the sand.

"Keefe Sencen, I swear to god-"

"Sorry not sorry Foster." He whispered. She giggled then realized what he meant. In less than a second, salt and water filled her eyes, and her bare toes touched the wet sand.

She came up sputtering. "Oh my god you-"

"Whoppee!" Keefe ran into the water, tackling her. "Hiya Foster!"

"Ow Keefe!"

"Let's go play." He begged, like a little kid.

She agreed. "Fine, just this once."

Keefe dragged her along with him to play in the water and they stoof there all day, splashing each other and dousing one another in water.


It was at his house where they had their first kiss. He had a huge house, but his parents were divorced, and his dad was at his vacation home and his mom in New Jersey. It was the two of them alone.

It was Christmas morning and Sophie had come over to give him her gift, a necklace with their initials carved on to it. She'd hoped it wasn't too romantic, but he'd loved it.

He got her a bracelet with a little smiley face and on the back it had a F for Foster. She wore it immediately of course.

They watched Christmas movies and decorated gingerbread houses, which turned out like trash anyways, but whatever.

Keefe had looked her in the eyes then and said, "Sophie...I'm moving to New Jersey with my mom."

"What?" It hurt when he called her Sophie. She preferred Foster.

"I'm sorry, Foster."

"No, you can't because...I have to tell you something." She snapped.

Sophie got a feeling that she wanted to spend more time with him. That she loved him, and she couldn't deny it.

She kissed him at last.


I couldn't end it but whatever. What do y'all think?

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