"I know the human world pretty well too!" Fitz piped up. "I've been there before."

"Mr. Vacker, this is a dangerous mission. Only three of you are allowed to go." Mr. Forkle pointed out.

"Sweetie, I don't know if it's safe." Edaline said. "It's hard."

"I even look the most human." Sophie protested.

"No, Ms. Foster. You're the Moonlark. You have to be safe."

"That isn't fair. You're being stupid. I should go."


"Oh come on!" Sophie snapped. "Just let me go, or I'll go anyway. I'm way better at being a human."

Mr. Forkle sighed. "Fine."

"Sophie, Fitz, and one other person can go." Juline said.

"I can do it!" Dex said. "I've watched a bazillion human movies. I know enough."

"After a lot of training of course, I think you could possibly go." Mr. Forkle agreed.

"Alright then." Juline said. "Meeting dismissed."

----------------------time skip------------------------

Weeks of hard training later, the team was ready to go. They's changed appearances, accents, learned human things, and whatever else possible.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster Ruewen was now Evelyn 'Evie' Christina Dawson. She had light brown curls with blonde highlights and piercing blue eyes. She had a tan now, and a birthmark on the side of her face.

Fitzroy Avery Vacker was now Jake Firo Evans. He was tall and had curly black hair, dark eyes and, of course the most dashing smile.

Dexter Alvin Dizznee was now Brett Christopher Adams. He was shorter than Fitz, with blond hair and hazel eyes. He looked like a puppy, sort off.

The school was called Darrins High School (I'm not creative). They got their schedules and left immediately in the morning.

The school wasn't as beautiful as Foxfire and quite ordinary. Fitz and Dex did not look impressed at all.

"This isn't pretty at all. I expected more..." Fitz said, giving Sophie and apologetic smile. "Sorry. I know it was your old home."

She smiled. "It's okay."

The three of them walked into the school together.

----------------------time skip-------------------------

Sophie noticed him right away. His blond hair and mischievous smirk gave it all away. She lost all her confidence just looking at him.

Tall, lean, in good shape. Messy blonde tendrils fell over his head in waves. His eyes were the color of snowflakes, his eyelashes impossibly long. He had perfect white teeth, straight and pearly. He looked so confident in his Batman hoodie and ripped jeans and converse, his fists jammed into his pockets, a smile playing on his lips.

Keefe Sencen.

He was surrounded by popular girls, with their expensive Nike Jordans and high ponytails and perfect skin. Sophie felt lost. She didn't exactly feel gorgeous in her black leggings and oversized shirt she's bought on the way here and her sneakers were kind of dirty.

But she swallowed her pride and walked towards him, finding a way through the girls and go talk to him.

She tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, smiling. "Hey, new girl. What's up?"

She froze. "Um..."

"Do you need help finding your classes?" He said easily, gesturing to her schedule.

Sophie nodded at least twelve times and Keefe laughed. "What's your name?"

"Evie." She felt a bit on confidence return to her mouth. "Evie Dawson."

"Evie." He tested out the word on his tongue, like a spell. "Nice. I'm Keefe."

"I know." She blurted, immediately feeling embarrassed.

Keefe looked confused, and she quickly covered. "I heard one of the girls say it earlier."

He nodded. "Ah."

"So, Keefe, do you happen to know where room A720 is?" Sophie tried to sound confident.

"Actually, I'm headed there right now."

Sophie smiled. "Really?" Mr. Forkle had made sure she had at least a few classes with him.

"Yep. C'mon."

As they walked together, eyes were on them. Smiles, giggles, whispers, glares, snickers, everything from A-Z.

"Ladies first." Keefe joked and let her through the door. Sophie giggled again and walked over to the teacher, who told her to find a seat.

"Evie, over here." Keefe grabbed her hand and dragged her to his seat. Sophie smiled ahgain, feeling a sinking feeling in her chest.

How was she going to do this?


Y'all want part 2?

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