~end of flashback~

"Alright. Welcome to the cooking, uhh, channel. Um today we are with Brynne, who insisted that we make this because there's 'nothing else to do', and Aru is tagging along because why not."

Aru flashed a peace sign.

"Okay, so today we are, uhh in Brynne's kitchen, making... what are we making again?"

"Brynne's extra extra chocolate brownies." Brynne said loudly. Aru perked up. 

"Whaaaaat?? Can I help?" Rudy asked from off-screen. 

"Absolutely not," said Aru, Brynne, and Aiden together. 



"But I'm a prince!"

"So anyway, we'll begin by combining all the wet ingredients." Brynne pulled out a bowl.

"If you don't let me help, I will personally-"

"Gosh! Fine!" 


"So, as I was saying," Brynne glared at Rudy as he took a seat at the counter next to her. Aru smirked. "We combine all the wet ingredients."

Rudy frowned. "What does that mean?"

"Shut up, Rudy." Brynne warned. Aru pulled up the sleeves of her navy blue sweater, slid the bowl towards her and got up to grab the eggs and milk from the fridge. 

"I call being the taste-tester!"

"Hey, that was my job!"

"But I'm a prince."

The two girls began mixing the ingredients together, ignoring Rudy's comments. They let him add the flour, though, which resulted in white powder everywhere except in the bowl. Eventually, the batter was mixed together, and all that was left to add was the chocolate chips.

"Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?" Rudy bounced on the hardwood floors, the puff balls on his sweater bouncing with him. 

"Ugh, whatever." Brynne handed over the Costco-sized bag of chocolate chips. "Make sure you don't add too much. Even if they are extra extra chocolate, the ingredients still need to be balanced."

"Got it." Said Rudy, taking the scissors and cutting open the bag. 

"Add about half of that." Aru said, checking the recipe. 

Rudy carefully tipped the bag and sprinkled the proper amount into the batter. He actually did it pretty decently.

"That good?" 

"Huh. Not bad." Brynne nodded. "Aru, can you mix it?"

"Yep." Aru took the bowl and a mixing spoon, but Rudy grabbed it back.

"Can I mix it? Please?" He gave Aru the biggest puppy eyes he could manage.

"No, Rudy, you've already done enough." Aiden sighed.


"Nah, it's fine." Aru said. "He can mix it."

"You sure?" Aiden sounded surprised.

"Just as long as he doesn't get it everywhere." Aru slid the bowl to Rudy, who took the spoon and began to stir, a giant grin on his face. 

"Aru, make sure he doesn't get overexcited again." Said Brynne, scooting back from the counter. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

Aru nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Moments later, Rudy set down the spoon. "Done!" he yelled.

Aru jumped from where she was bouncing Vajra against the wall. "Already?"

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