There is no-one else

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Despite the fear of being headed by Yoongi, Jungkook decided to do the right thing in the right manner. It took him two days and one hour-long ass lecture from Jimin and Hobi.

He remembered the Icy glare Hoseok has thrown at him after he revealed the not so good adventure of his.

"You are Lucky that you are Jimin's favourite. Otherwise, I would have kicked your ass for playing with my hyung's privacy like that."

Jungkookn gulped at the memory and Hurried towards the cafe he asked Yoongi need to meet him. When Jungkook arrived at the moon's cafe, he was surprised to see  Yoongi was already there before him.

 Jungkook thought the elder would refuse to come as the history they shared wasn't too promising for something like this let alone just the two of them meeting up.

Had Yoongi been this beautiful all along? Jungkook questioned himself, standing like a fool in the doorway of the cafe while his eyes intensely scanned Yoongi's delicate profile.

The elder's long silky hair fell onto his forehead, almost covering his eyes. The darkness of his hair made a perfect contrast with his angelic pale skin. The corners of his pink kissable lips turned into an adorable pout as took quick glances at the watch that sat on his delicate wrist.

"Damn! I'm keeping him waiting! I should hurry" Jungkook cursed at himself and rushed towards Yoongi patting the pocket of his jacket nervously as he tried to calm himself down at the same time.

He met with Yoongi's soft and fond eyes as soon as he rash to sit on the chair in front of the elder.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting hyung.." Jungkook muttered in an apological way.

"It's okay Kookie! I just came here... What do you want?? Let hyung order for you!"
The elder soothed Jungkook with a small smile. Junkook stared at the elder's loving eyes for a moment. He wondered whether Yoongi will look at him in the same way after he confess what he had done.

"It's okay hyung! I have already paid for everything. You don't have to worry.." Jungkook informed the elder.

''You shouldn't have to waste your money on useless things Kookie.. besides, I am the eld- "

"What did you just say? waste my money? useless things?" Jungkook sharply cut Yoongi in the middle of his sentence.

Jungkook took the elder's delicate Palms into his hand and squeezed them tightly. The dark look in Jungkook's eyes made the elder shiver.

"How dare you? To talk about yourself like that in front of me hyung?
Don't you ever dare to call yourself useless !"

"Not when... When you're the most precious person to me in this entire world."

Jungkooks bold confession caught Yoongi off the guard. He started at the younger with wide and surprised eyes. As Jungkook realised he had a deathly grip on Yoongi's hands, he carefully settled the elder's hand on his hands.

Jungkook kept caressing Yoongi's wrist gently, not meeting the elder's eyes.

"I'm sorry for scaring you hyung. But please don't degrade yourself like that anymore. Especially when you're with me. You don't understand how much you matter to me."

Jungkook finally met Yoongi's glassy eyes.

It's now or never. Jungkook let out a heavy sigh.

"Hyung... I want to tell you something and after knowing what I have to say you may think wrongly of me and you may hate me too. You have every right to do so. But please hyung. Let me explain before you make a judgement about me.."

Heartbeat  (Yoonkook x Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now