Euphoria -1

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Jungkook was awakened by the loud alarm that was blaring from his nightstand. He blinked away the remaining sleepiness from his away and exhaled a deep breath. Unconsciously, his mind ran back to last night and it made the corners of his mouth lift upward into a small smile.

...Jungkook and Yoongi made their way silently towards the younger's black Porsche panerama. Jungkook opened the passenger side door and guided the shivering elder inside the car. Yoongi mumbled a quiet thank you to the younger and settled down on the luxurious seat with a quiet sigh.

Jungkook asked Yoongi to type his address and they started to drive in a pin-drop silence. Yoongi was utterly grateful for that because if the younger ask what was going on with him he wouldn't know how to answer that question at the moment. As the comfort of silence spread through the calming heat inside the car, Yoongi found himself lulling into a strangely comfortable sleep after ages.

Jungkook glanced at the sleeping figure next to him. The elder's soft cheeks are blushed in deep pink because of the crying and coldness. His long and wet eyelashes slightly fluttered once in a while, even though his face seemed to be very peaceful. 

Jungkook desperately wanted to know the reason behind all the tears his beloved hyung has shed during the past half an hour, but it was not his place to interfere with the elder's privacy suddenly.

" Not when I can't even call myself a close friend of Yoongi!"Jungkook thought bitterly, wishing it would've been the opposite so he could've wiped those tears and hug the elder tightly to his chest and make his pain disappear. Despite the bitter thoughts nagging him, the younger managed to drive themselves safely and quickly to the elder's apartment.

As Jungkook cleared his throat to call out the elder, a disturbing cough blocked the younger's airway. It wasn't a new thing. the younger was suffering from violent coughs that suddenly decide to rip his air tubes without a warning from time to time. He has ignored them as symptoms of being under weather, finding it's common to catch a cold and flu during the winter season.

His violent coughs have awakened the sleeping elder next to him. Hearing the younger's disturbing coughs, Yoongi hurriedly opened his bag and pulled out his half-empty water bottle. He hastily gave it to the younger clumsily opening the lid of the bottle. Jungkook accepted the bottle gratefully and gulped down the remaining water hurriedly as he has been thirsty for ages.

In the meantime Yoongi gently pats younger's back caringly, hoping to ease younger with his touch. After feeling like hours, Jungkook's cough subsided. His cheeks are reddened and his eyes looked watery. He exhaled a few fast breaths and averted his gaze at the elder's worried face.

"I didn't think the table would change this soon. I was supposed to care about you hyung, but it has ended up oppositely" Jungkook said jokingly, but Yoongi could sense the hint of disappointment laying under his words.

The last thing Yoongi wanted to see is Jungkook being disappointed over something like a sudden violent cough which he can't ever have control of. So Yoongi squeezed the younger's shoulder gently and said,

"Well... You've done so much for me already Jungkook, So I was just returning the favour; besides I'm the hyung here and I definitely can't watch my dongsaeng choking on coughs Can I?" He smiled teasingly, Thankfully lightning up the younger's gloomy mood.

"Deal! We've taken care of each other so no sorry or thank you to each other okay?" Jungkook asked the elder with wide innocent eyes, a beautiful grin resting on his rosy lips. Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat or two at the mesmerizing sight in front of him.

"Deal" Yoongi muttered softly and strangely he felt so much lighter and stress-free at the moment like he hasn't had a pretty bad breakdown an hour ago.

"Jugkook-ah! You better visit a doctor!! "

"Yoongi hyung!! You better not cry alone again okay?"

Jungkook hurriedly walked over to his underground garage, unlocking the same car he used last night. He hurriedly opened the driver's side door to climb in.

what he didn't expect is, a light brown notebook to be resting on the passenger seat. He took the book and observe it without opening it. It was worn out because of constant use but it feels and seems like it's so precious to the owner.

"It's Yoongi hyung's?"

he debated with his mind. He doesn't want to open the book and see it by himself because it's a disrespectful move to the elder's privacy. But part of his mind wants to read what Yoongi has written over hundreds of pages...

"Have I been mentioned among these letters and lines?"

"Am I in hyung's mind when he writes the music?"

Those questions ring loudly in Jungkook's yearning heart. With a heavy heart, he gently pries open the book. But before he could read even a word that was messily written with black ink all over the pages, something fell down from the notebook.

An awfully familiar dried yellow rose which is carefully covered with a transparent wrapper to be exact...


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