Chapter 2

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"You know you have committed a crime, right?" Master Rin muttered while walking me to my room. I tried to ignore his comment. I actually thought it was weird to that Yoda let me go too. Maybe the big bang is tomorrow when the council says what they have to say.

"we are here" Master Rin said while pointing at a door. Number 216, said a sign on the door. It wasn't in a large hall so I expected it to be something like my apartment, small and ugly. When I opened the door it was way more than that. "By the stars!" I accidently said. It was beautiful. There were no windows, not that that mattered.

"Don't get used to it" Master Rin said before he walked away.

Big pillars stood against the wall. There was a medium sized closet with only jedi clothing in it and when I saw the bed I just wanted to jump on it. It looked so soft I wished I could stay here forever.

"Wait, did I just think that?" I said out loud. "It is the sheets" I said to myself when I rubbed my face against the soft sheets. Everything was so luxurious, I didn't really know how to properly respond. Oh my god, tonight I may sleep in this wonderful bed. I am going to sleep like an angel tonight.


After a wonderful night of heaven-like sleep master Rin picked me up and brought me to the Jedi council chamber. The trip in the elevator took way longer than I expected.

"Kara Nightshade, right?" a man with a short red beard and short hair said. I nodded.

"My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi" He said. Wait, these were all the 'famous' jedi. Everyone knew who they are and everyone knew they did not want to mess with them.

"You already met master Yoda. This is Mace Windu" He said while pointing at a jedi next to Yoda.

"You said you were from Kaitara?" Master Windu said with a serious look. I soon noticed he never let go of his serious look.

"Yes, master" I sad.

"And we are supposed to believe that?" He asked. The mood changed from uncomfortable to I want to run away and never come back.

"Master, I am telling the truth" I said. I looked around and watched the reactions of the council. Some were looking at me in disbelief, others looked insulted and some even thought it was just stupid to be here right now. Everyone looked that way except two jedi, master Kenobi and Master Yoda. They actually looked like they were interested.

"Tell us about Kaitara" Master Kenobi said.

I smiled. "It was amazing. The landscape was amazing. There were a lot of mountains that looked like giant rocks. There was a part of the planet where there was eternal snow and a part where there was a beautiful forest. The water that lit up bright blue at night and the force energy point that lit up the snow part of the planet. We had one city, there were amazing buildings in the most amazing colors. Purple and bright blue and teal. They looked like crystals pointing at the sky".

"Why did you leave?" Master Windu asked. I knew that question was coming. Still, I hadn't prepared for it.

I was silent for a minute or two. They were all looking at me waiting for an answer. "I... I.. Life there was boring.." I started. I looked around. "We were not allowed to leave the planet.." I said with a sad frown.

"How did you manage to leave than? I assume there wasn't a spaceship" Master Obi-Wan Kenobi asked.

"Once a year, a cargo ship arrived. I didn't know what was in it nor who was flying the ship. I took the chance and hid in one of the crates. The ship flew to Nar Shaddaa, I stayed there for a halve year". I hesitated if I should tell them about what I did and learned on Nar Shaddaa. I decided not to.

"Nar Shaddaa, hmm" Yoda commented without saying anything else.

"We also want to know about why you tried to kill master Zygon" Master Windu said.

"I didn't want to do that but I needed to live so I needed money. A dead jedi, is worth a lot" I said with guilt in my stomach. Why did I have guilt? I didn't like jedi. Master Windu looked at me like I was a traitor.

"Guilt, I sense" Master Yoda said. He was right, but why?

"Yes" Master Kenobi agreed. "But I also sense something else, something different than the force". He thought for a few seconds and said than "You spoke of a force energy point. What do you mean by that?" He asked.

I smiled. "It looked like blue lighting going up to the sky. When you get close to you can sense anything. Even blind people are able to see when they get close, through the force. It also lights up the rivers and lakes at night. When you are strong enough you can transfer part of that energy into yourself, than you are fully one with the force forever." I didn't know why I told everything. I just wanted to tell somebody about my amazing planet. I kind of missed it right now. The force was so strong there, I wanted to feel strong again. When I woke out of my light daydream I saw all the council member looking at me with big wide eyes.

"Despite committing a crime against the jedi order, you may join us. You will be a padawan" Master windu said. I didn't believe what they said. Did they just accepted me? How? Why?

"I'll take that job" Master Kenobi said. I smiled, I had a good feeling with him.

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