42. Quite the Tizzy

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'... JORY!' Ned called and he came rushing out sensing the panic.

'Lord stark?' Jory questioned.

'We must leave, get the girls and...' Ned began as they walked briskly. 'It is no longer safe here, we must leave for winterfell at once.'

'My lord?' Jory questioned confused.

"Catelyn has taken lord Tyrion.' Ned told her. 'We must go, leave now before-' but as they stepped into the light they saw red coats, Lions, Jaime Lannister leading them all. They were surrounded.

'It looks like a small pack of wolves' Jaime noted

'Stand back ser this is the hand of the King.' Jory told him

'Was the hand of the King.' Jaime corrected 'I'm not sure what he is now....'

'What is the meaning of this Lannister?' Petyr said running outside, now Ned felt bad, Petyr was trying to come to his rescue.

'Get back inside where it is safe. I am looking for my brother.' Jaime informed Ned 'you remember my brother don't you lord stark? Blonde hair, sharp tongue, short man.'

'I remember him well' ned admitted

'He had some trouble on the road you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him?' Jaime questioned.

Ned remained silent, he wasn't about to take credit for Catelyn's mistake but his silence was mistaken for guilt. Jaime and his men unsheathe their swords.

'My Lord,' Petyr said stepping forward 'I will bring the city watch.' but ned held him back.

'Come on stark I'd rather you die sword in hand.' Jaime said

'If you threaten my lord again-' Jory warned.

'As in I'm going to open your lord from balls to brain and see what's starks are really made of.' Jaime clarified.

'You kill me. Your brother is a dead man' ned informed him.

'You're right...' Jaime acknowledged 'take him alive, kill his men.' Jaime instructed and Lannister soldiers stepped forward attacking but Ned was not about to go down without a fight. He had too much to live for, his children were here, what happened to them if he died.

A sword, Jamie's sword was drove through Jory's eye, all the way out the other end of his skull. Jaime pointed his sword Ned ready for a proper duel as the rest of the Lannister soldiers waited circling them ready for an attack if necessary. They were at a face off when one of Jaime's men came from behind Ned stabbing him through the leg. Jaime stepped forward punching his knight in the face.

'that was dishonorable.' Jaime informed him. Ned watched in complete agony spear still through his leg as Jaime mounted his white horse.

'He is my brother Lord Stark and I want him back.' Jaime spat riding away as Ned collapse to the ground.


'I demand trial by combat.' Tyrion said once he got his audience with the lady of the veil.

'combat?' she laughed. 'alright then.' She nodded to a guard who immediately stepped forward.

'I request my brother Jaime to fight in my place.' Tyrion told her looking around the room. 'he is in kings landing send a raven and he will ride day and night to come and fight for both me and my companion.'

'No.' Lysa said with a wicked laugh.

'Make the little man fly!' the boy yelled with a grin.

'call upon my brother Jamie' Tyrion begged.

'The king slayer is hundreds of miles from here.' Lysa reminded him.

'Send a raven for him. I would be happy to wait.' Tyrion assured.

'The trial will be today.' Lysa told him

'Do I have a volunteer?' He asked a roar of laughter filled the room. 'anyone? Anyone?'

'I think we can assume that no one is-'

'I will stand for the Dwarf.' Bronn said stepping forward the moon door was opened. And both men were ready shields and hand sword gripped tightly Robin screamed out fight and it began as Tyrion watched this man had his life in his hands if he died they both died.

'I said to fight coward!' Robin said as Bronn jumped from the stairs Bronn kicked over a chandelier but it only further angered the men as they thought he got closer and closer to the moon door pushing him over the edge Bronn look down below. Robin got excited seeing that they were about to fall but Bronn got the better of him fencing around the room slashing into columns and walls people jumped out of the way as the two competitors made the way around the room Bronn dodged back as the knights sword came at him before Bronn stabbed him.

'Yes!' Tyrion said happily

'Ser vivor finish him!' Lysa shouted but he was weak and bronn with strong. Bronn sliced the back of the leg and lysa's champion fell to the ground.

'get up!' the people called 'get up!' he took shaky steps forward but Bronn kicked him down easily enough. Bronn kicked away the knights shield they stood at the moon door now as the man got up again trying to fight for the lady of the Vale. Bronn raised his sword the man's hand in his opposite hand before slicing down past the armor the knight bled out before him. Bronn tossed his body down the moon door he fell to the depths below Tyrion smiled appreciatively

'Is it over?' Robin questioned

'You don't fight with honor.' Lysa said

'No.' Bronn agreed 'he did.' he pointed down the moon door. Tyrian was released from his chains begrudgingly.

'Can I make a little man fly now?' Robin questioned

'No this little man... this little man is going home. I believe you have something of mine.' he said up to Catelyn's squire he tossed down a pouch of gold. Tyrion bowed before them before heading out. 'a Lannister always pays his debts.' he said to the man who had gotten him counsel with the lady of the vale and Bronn and him headed out.


"Did you come back last night?" Petyr questioned running his hands over Alice's arms. She stared back at him before she saw knights rushing past.

"What's going on?" She asked her eyes followed them.

"Ser Jaime attacked Ned." Alice's head snapped back around to Petyr.

"What?" she rasped.

"Yes, he quit as hand of the king and then Ser Jaime very kindly asked that his brother lord Tyrion be returned." Petyr informed her.

"Is Ned alright?" Alice whispered.

"He... I don't remember you coming back, are you alright? You look in quite the tizzy love." Petyr remarked.

"I'm... is Ned alright?" Alice asked swallowing the lump in her throat.

"He will be... the maesters are tending to him." Petyr agreed.

"The girls?" Alice asked through a croaked voice. "Sansa and Arya?"

"Fine as far as I know." Petyr agreed. "Alice," he held her face in his hands. She felt a sob in her throat. "Honey, what happened? Your eyes are darting all over the place, you're pale and clammy, are you unwell love?" Petyr asked trying to bring her home but her feet wouldn't budge.

"I need to check on them." Alice told Petyr as he hugged her.

"Alice..." he coed running a hand through her hair. What did she do? "it's alright, they are going to be alright..." Petyr assured. Alice nodded into him. "Lets get you some tea and some rest and you can visit him in the morrow." Petyr suggested putting a hand on her forehead. Then he noticed the bruise on her collar bone, his fingers grazed it. "Did you take a fall Alice?" Petyr asked and flashes of her night with Ned replayed in her mind. His mouth, lips, teeth nipping at her skin. "Strange place to fall." Petyr remarked softly. Alice let out a shaky breath as she held to Petyr. "Come on, lets get you home love." 

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Where stories live. Discover now