15. Slay

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''Show her the Frabjous day.'' White Rabbit turned the scroll further into the future.

"Frabjous being the day you slay the Jabberwocky." Dee told her happily.

''Sorry? Slay the...what?'' Alice questioned.

"Alice... Alice... damnit girl." Sandor grumbled.

"Slay the what?" Alice demanded.

"Alice, I'm bringing you home." Sandor told her as she was murmuring.

"Slay what?" Alice opened her eyes with a sharp inhale, she panicked as she was being moved.

"It's alright." Sandor told her and she relaxed.

"I was... and then... the caterpillar." Alice told him disoriented.

"What?" Sandor questioned bringing her back to the brothel.

"The rabbit... Sandor and the flowers... I hadn't been to that part before." Alice remarked.

"Wonderland?" Sandor pondered.

"Oh Sandor it was so beautiful. But they said I needed to slay... slay something." Alice informed him as he put her back on her feet.

"Alice!" Petyr declared running to her. "Thank you." Petyr said softly to Sandor. Sandor nodded turning away but Petyr spoke again. "in the woods?" Petyr questioned.

"Aye." Sandor agreed.

"He was smoking a pipe and damnit what did he want me to slay?" Alice muttered heading up the stairs.

"Alice slow down." Petyr requested following after her. "What happened to staying out of the woods?"

"I was fine. I was in wonderland Petyr." Petyr ran a hand over his face.

"You know how worried I was? Alice you have been gone hours."


"I was so worried about you." Petyr told her holding her close.

"I'm sorry. I didn't... I'm sorry Petyr."

"Alice you could have gotten hurt. You know how many people would have taken advantage of you?" Petyr said kissing her forehead.

"Sandor is my friend." Alice offered.

"What if the hound didn't find you?" Petyr countered.

"I'm sorry Petyr."


"We are staying here where it's safe." Petyr told her the next morning, they both slept in but it was Jon's funeral today.

"Petyr." Alice whispered leaning into him.

''Don't give a damn about the plans we made," Petyr informed her ''We're staying in the bed all day, because I'm selfish." Petyr told her and Alice laughed out. 'Restless like a river, can't help it."

"After we come back and stay in bed all day." Alice agreed.

''I'm taking what you give me but I still want more, I still want more." Petyr told her rolling her to her back and she laughed out as his lips covered hers. "Because I'm selfish, I'm selfish for you."

"You don't have to share me with anyone." Alice assured. "It is I that has to share you with the council."

"Then lucky for me you are patient." Petyr remarked.


It had been a week after Jon's death, the damn fever, Alice didn't know if she believed it but everyone loved Jon. So she put him to rest in her mind, especially when the news of the kings next hand was being decided.

''Hello Alice.'' the girls chimed as alice made her way to the front.

''Hello ladies. Gorgeous as always.'' Alice thought living in a brothel would disgust her but she actually liked the girls. She saw more of them then she needed or wanted to but most of them were sweet girls.

''Hello sandor.'' Alice said sweetly.

''Lady Alice.'' Sandor remarked. ''I usually find you in the woods with a new bump on your head... youre here which can only mean one this."

"What's that?" Alice mused.

"You want to make a little extra coin?'' Sandor mused

''Nope. But if I do. You will be my first call,'' she said it in a way that sandor almost believed he had a shot.

''You're too good for little finger.'' sandor remarked

''So I've been told.'' Alice informed him sitting down next to him.

''You need something?''

''We are friends, right sandor?'' Alice questioned sandor chuckled at that he didnt have friends. ''What?'' Alice countered ''We are right?''

''Sweetheart-'' sandor couldnt stop laughing

''Rude.'' Alice remarked. 'I think we are friends. I talk to you almost daily, you bring me back home safely after I got hurt in the woods and-''

''What do you want Alice?'' Sandor asked as Laura cleared her throat anxiously behind them.

''Oh we can talk later,'' Alice said getting up but sandor waved her away. Laura left quickly and gratefully

''What do you need?'' Alice smiled sitting back down

''We are friends,'' she whispered

''You owe me one.'' Sandor told her

''Easy.'' Alice agreed. ''And i dont want anything its just a question.''

''Go on,'' sandor agreed as he finished his drink alice raised her hand and another one was placed before him immediately. ''Damn alice you're a good friend to have.''

''I want to go winterfell.'' Alice told him


''Do you know who i would talk to about that?' Alice clarified

''Your husband is on the small council.'' Sandor reminded her

''My sister and Ned are a sore subject for him.'' Alice told him. ''So i didnt want to ask him... i dont even know if they would allow me to come.'' Alice admitted

''I dont see why they wouldnt.'' Sandor remarked and alice stared at him waiting for more. ''Talk to the imp. Hes a flirt he will say yes.''

''Oh and you are not?'' Alice countered.

''If you want to join the royal party to visit your sister i dont see them turning you down.'' Sandor told her. ''Do you want to see her?''

''I want to...''

''You didnt sound to confident.'' sandor remarked

''I miss the kids and...''

''And?'' Sandor smirked

''Ned. Hes my friend.'' Alice said quickly.

''That's why you dont want your husband to know.'' Sandor chuckled

''I'm going to tell him but not if I cant travel with them. Then i wont go.'' Alice told him stubbornly sandor stared at her as he finished his drink. ''Ned is a friend and I love petyr.'' Alice told him.

''Right. You know they call him little-''

''Stop,'' alice groaned.

''Just saying maybe hes not satisfying you.''

''Sandor''. Alice moaned getting up.

''I could have you moaning my name louder,'' he remarked and she slapped at him.

''You are awful.'' Alice informed him.

''Can I have another drink before you go? They make me wait forever.'' Alice raised her hand and another beer was brought. ''I love you.'' Sandor told her.

''Bye Sandor'

''Bye Alice.''

''Damnit.'' Kelsey was up she walked up nervously to sandor. ''Hello Ser.''

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant