23. Steal a Kiss

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"I thought I would find you out here." Ned remarked coming behind Alice in the woods. Alice blushed she couldn't help it the way Ned looked at her... made her heart flutter. Ned put his hand gently on her waist as she turned around and his face was very close to hers and she didn't know if her heart was beating a million miles a minute or it stopped all together as they breathed the same breath. His lips just barely grazed hers before she looked down to her feet.

"You can steal a kiss, I won't call you a thief..." Ned informed her gently bringing her face up to his. 'But take it from me." He begged.

"NED!" They heard Roberts voice echoing.

"You should, probably..." Alice said taking a step back but Ned moved with her kissing her cheek.

"Walk back with me?" Ned requested and offered Alice his hand she leaned into him. Ned couldn't help the smile on his face as he breathed her in.

'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion closed his eyes again leaning against the stables. "Alice." Sandor remarked as she let go of Ned.

"Have a good hunt." Alice told them all as she headed to the courtyard.

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off, a smile crossed his face as Alice ran her fingers through Bran's hair.

"Auntie Alice!" Rickon declared running up to her.

' Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she ran away from Ned and towards Bran.

"I taught Shaggy dog a trick, you want to see it?" Rickon asked as Bran began climbing, summer was whining and crying at the bottom of the castle wall.

"Of course I do." Alice agreed, she looked around for Bran but didn't see him, she supposed he went inside.

"Shaggy dog. Dance.' Rickon shouted and shaggy dog rolled over on his back showing them his belly.

"That's some dancing." Alice remarked with a laugh.

"Come on you making me look bad." Rickon whispered. "Dance!"

As Bran neared the top, he heard a woman and man moaning. Confused he peered in the window, shocked and confused he stared at Cersei and Jaime.

'Stop. STOP.' Cersei demanded as Jaime pulled out of her. Jaime ran to the window and grabbed Bran holding him still. Bran started to breathe heavy confused and scared as his eyes flickered between the twins.

'Are you completely mad?' Jaime questioned

' He saw us.' Cersei reminded Jaime.

'It's all right. It's all right.' Jaime assured his grip still tight on Bran's shirt.

'He saw us!' Cersei shouted as she righted herself.

'I heard you the first time.' Jaime remarked he turned to a very nervous Bran. 'Quite the little climber, aren't you? How old are you, boy?'

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Where stories live. Discover now