21. Chasing Sunshine

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'Pardon me,' Ned said trying to get around Jaime.

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking his way. 'I hope it's true'

'Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him.

'I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

'I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him

'No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned told him

'Well said.' Jaime told him grinning.

'Excuse me,' ned said again walking off

'Ned!' Benjen declared "You at a feast -- It's like a bear in a trap.' Benjen remarked.

'The boy I beheaded. Did you know him?' Ned questioned softly.

'Of course I did. Just a lad. But he was tough, Ned. A true Ranger.'

'He was talking madness. Said the Walkers slaughtered his friends.' Ned told him.

'The two he was with are still missing.' Benjen remarked

'A wildling ambush.'

'Maybe. Direwolves south of the wall. Talk of the Walkers. My brother might be the next Hand to the king. Winter is coming.' Benjen reminded him.

'Winter is coming.' Ned agreed.

"Uncle benjen!" Robb declared running up to them.

"Ah Robb how are you lad?" Benjen questioned bringing him into a hug.

"Im good." Robb agreed. "Aunt Alice is here." Robb told him happily. Benjen faked ignorance as Alice had veered off and was talking with Sandor.

''Is that... is that little Alice tully?'' Benjen mused knowing how to push Ned's buttons.

''She is only a few years younger than yourself.'' Ned remarked.

''Gods she is gorgeous.'' Benjen admired her from afar withholding a smirk.

''Benjen.'' Ned warned.

''What? Can I not admire my brothers wifes sister? Is that a crime now?'' Benjen countered smugly.

''It should be.'' Ned grumbled.

''You cant still have a crush on her- what am I saying look at her and look at catelyn. Of course you do.'' Benjen remarked a little too loudly.

''Benjen shut up''. Ned demanded as alice made her way to them. Rickon was chasing after her.

''Hi little love you looking for me?'' Alice asked picking Rickon up he smiled leaning into her.

''Alice you look even more beautiful than I remember.'' Benjen remarked.

''Oh you are too kind.'' Alice told him as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Couldn't see me in the dark then could you?" Alice teased and Ned looked between them cautiously.

'I'm glad you could make it. We didnt know you were coming.'' Robb told her

''I didnt know i was coming until a few days before they left. Everything happened quickly after Jon passed and I wanted to see you all. It has been too long and to check on Catelyn but she is... ignoring me as usual. So luckily she was a secondary thought.'' Alice offered sweetly.

''I'm certainly happy to have you back.'' Ned agreed wrapping his arm around her. "And I think I owe you a dance." Ned recalled.

"You do." Alice agreed as she let him lead her towards the band playing and she leaned into him. She hated to admit it but she hadn't thought of Petyr once since she arrived.

Ned held her closer and couldn't help but think their bodies fit perfectly together as they moved perfectly in sync.


"Is this your first time in the North, Your Grace?' Catelyn asked in desperation to make a good impression on the royal family.

'Yes. Lovely country.' Cersei said blandly.

'I'm sure it's very grim, after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time.' Catelyn went on as Sansa approached the front table and smiled shyly up at Cersei.

'Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you?' Cersei questioned and Sansa's little heart fluttered

'Thirteen, Your Grace.' She answered

'You're tall. Still growing?' Cersei questioned

'I think so, Your Grace.' Sansa said confused.

' And have you bled yet?' Cersei questioned and sansa stared at her mother clearly discomfited by the questioned but Catelyn nodded for her to answer.

'No, Your Grace.' Sansa told her, Cersei nodded stiffly.

'And your dress. Did you make it?' Cersei went on and Sansa was to nervous to speak she nodded. 'Such talent. You must make something for me.' Sansa nodded happily as she headed off. Alice helped her pick the right dress, she had made a good impression and now she could relax.

'I hear we might share a grandchild someday.' Cersei said turning to Catelyn

'I hear the same.' Catelyn agreed hopefully.

'Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever.' Cersei told her confidently.


Meanwhile as sansa got back to her seat she started smiling completely giddy at Joffrey.

Arya flipped food across the table and onto Sansa's face.

'Arya!' Sansa shouted wiping the potato away. Catelyn signaled a laughing Robb to deal with the girls. He wiped the smile off his face as he hoisted up Arya.

'Time for bed.' Robb declared

"What?" Arya whined as he picked her up. 'Aunt Alice save me!" Arya begged reaching out for her as Robb carried Arya away.

"Sorry love." Alice called after her. It did not go unnoticed by Catelyn that her husband was doting over her sister since Alice arrived.

The children noticed too but they didn't think anything of it, Alice was sunshine why wouldn't their father chase after the sun.

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora