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Sam felt safe for the first time in awhile, sure it took a few weeks for him to trust Gem but now he could reason she didn't want to harm him. His hind leg was still tangled, his trust can only run so deep. Gem was giving him some food when he decided to entrust her with his secret.

"I'm not hiding from Doc." He says quietly toward his bowl. "It's your admin that scares me most. You keep telling me he's not dangerous but I can't trust that."

Gem was looking at him now, having placed her bowl to the side. "May I ask why?" Sam frowns into his dish before nodding.

"My old admin was suppose to be trustable, kind, compassionate. He was a monster." Sam says, front paws pulling his egg closer to this chest. "He... he.. he killed Her." Gem nods quietly before slowly reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You're safe here, with me, and I know X would never do that." She says and Sam nudges her hand away. "I thought he would never too. But she's dead and it's.. my fault. If I go back he'll get me too. If you're admin finds me he'll send me back, won't he? That's why I have to hide."

It was quiet between them for a while. Until Gem broke it. "Can I tell someone about you? She can help you. Her name is Cleo and she'll be able to get X off your back." Sam considers it before nodding slowly.


Cleo stares X down, her arms crossed in front of her chest. His eyes were narrowed at her but he was the first to look away. "Gem has been hiding it this whole time and you found out a week ago and are just now telling me. Is that right?" X asks his voice a steady anger.

"Yes. I wanted all the facts. It is a he named Sam, whose queen was murdered in front of him by his admin, he has an egg from her and his paw is still wrapped up by your little chain." Doc's demeanor changes in the corner from stiff anger to shock.

X looks at her too, a bit of his anger gone from his eye. "His queen was killed?" He asks looking at the code on his arm. "May I meet him if I promise to behave?"

"No. He doesn't want you near him."

"At least tell me where he is." X begs so Cleo tells, something she'll regret later.

X looks to Doc before nodding. "Creeper hybrid whose queens are dead are usually unstable Cleo, Gem is in danger and that is the only reason I'm doing this. Doc let's go."

"X don't do this! You want someone do this to Doc?!"

"Doc wouldn't attack like this Sam has."

Cleo raises her eyebrow him in a way only she could. X glares at her before shaking his head. "Fine! But one more attack we throw him in the room."


"X please stop! He's scared of you!" Sam's head pops up off his pillow hearing Gem's voice. "X! Listen to me! Going in there will be bad for both of you!" She was pleading with the admin to protect him.

"Gem look at your arm!" Sam remembers he'd scratched her last night when she had startled him awake. "I told Cleo one more attack now step aside." He stands to his three legs and collects his things quickly. He knows there is no back way out of this room so he climbs the stairs.

"X don't please!"

"It's alright Gem." Sam's voice made both of them jump. "I'm not a hatchling I can deal with this." He was holding himself steady with his trident while he nudges her behind himself. He stands before the Admin with all the pride and bravery he could muster.

X stared at him and it was the admins turn to be frightened. He knew he was massive, nearly a big as Doc. Sam made no aggressive moves just stood before him. "Do what you want. You wouldn't be the first admin to cage me."

"Sam, no, go back down stairs." Gem gently grabs his shoulder but he just shakes his head. "I am done letting others get hurt because of my actions." He steps towards X. "Just let me keep the egg is all I ask." He holds the trident out for X to take, a total surrender.

Gems' hand leaves his shoulder, wrapping around his trident and pulling it close. He lets her have it. X guides him out of the castle where seemingly the whole server is waiting, he recognizes Cleo and Doc. Cleo was so angry her face was wet with tears. Doc fell in step next to him helping X guide him away.

Sam turns his head forward and limps straight ahead. His fate had been sealed since the moment he'd left his server, since he failed at containing Dream. He was to be locked in cage where no one could be hurt by his failure any longer. 'I miss Ponk.'

Going to Hell in a Hand Basket (Dreamsmp And Hermitcraft) Where stories live. Discover now