Chapter 7

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The next few days went in a blur. Rex and his brothers escorted Shira to countless meetings with important people, or at least people who viewed themselves as important as Shira put it. Shira argued with the leaders of Brentaal passionately, mostly trying to get them to care at all. The people of Brentaal had never seen war on a galactic level and couldn't picture their home being anything than the paradise it was.

After an hour of particularly tedious debate on the 5th day, the President of Brentaal, Devon as he kept insisting Shira called him, approached with his greasy sneer-smile.

"Shira you'll be in attendance at the ball this coming week, yes?"

Shira smiled easily, but Rex could see the animosity in her body posture. He had gotten very good at reading her over the last couple of days. "Of course, Mr. President."

"Devon, I insist." Shira only kept the smile plastered on her face. Not giving him the pleasure. Rex found himself grinning behind his helmet. When he saw he wasn't going to get any response he switched tactics. "There will be very few men at this event, and I'm afraid I will be very occupied, I have a particular dancing partner in mind." He leaned forward, practically breathing the last part in her ear.

Shira stiffened. Then turned to look him square in the face. A grin settled on her lips. "Well, I so happen to have 4 amazing men with me. I'm sure they will be quick learners. Perhaps they will even the balance a little." Devon looked aghast, he leaned back his eyes traveled over the clones, noticing them for the first time.

"The clones?" Disgust laced his tone.

"These men have been protecting me for my stay, I believe that they won't stop at the ball, and while they are here, they should enjoy themselves." Shira stood and met Devon's gaze evenly. Triumph in her eyes. She had won this battle. Shira turned and nodded at the clones and left the room. Rex tried not to feel smug as he left with Shira, and Devon didn't.

As soon as the Clones and Shira made it back to their quarters Hod took of his helmet and roared with laughter. "That was quite the show senator. Us, dancing?" Hod doubled over slapping his knee.

Shira blushed fiercely. Rex hadn't seen her like this before. He nudged Hod's shoulder. Hod looked up and saw Shira looking at the ground, and instantly stopped laughing. "Senator, were you serious?"

Shira finally looked up at them. "Yes." Her eyes were pleading with them. Rex flashed back to Devon leaning over Shira, and how she had seemed to shrink in on herself.

Bolt spoke first. "Senator, we don't even have anything to wear, and we don't know how to dance."

"Getting you clothes won't be any issue at all, and I can teach you." The words came tumbling out quickly. She paused, looking pleadingly at each of them.

"Yes." Rex found himself saying. He didn't know how to dance, and he wasn't sure why he was so certain, but this woman had been nothing but kind to them, and he found the answer easy.

Hod shook his head then then threw his hands into the air. "Fine. Can't let Rex be the only one who knows how to dance. I'll never live that down."

Bolt rubbed his brow. "Not sure I'll be any good, but I'll try."

Razor shook his head. "Someone's gotta sit this one out and watch everyone's 6. You boys have fun."

Shira grinned, her whole body relaxing. "Thanks boys, you don't know what this means to me." Shira sped out of the room calling for her assistant. "Lexa! We need a tailor in here stat! And another girl who knows how to dance!"

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