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A/N: If you have not read the Death Cure of the Maze Runner Series, DO NOT READ THIS. I AM WARNING YOU. YOU WILL BE VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY CONFUSED. SO DON'T.

Disclaimer: all the characters here are owned by the fab James Dashner, except for Julie. OWNED BY JAMES DASHNER <--- EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR JULIE!!!! And some minor characters

Also got some help from misjudgments_, so shoutout to her.


Teresa's POV

"I only ever...cared for..." I say, stuttering.

I watched as Thomas was pulled away by Minho and Brenda. Everything of the W.I.C.K.E.D building was destroyed. My vision was blurry. I hope he forgives me now. I tried to get back up, but the rock wouldn't budge. I looked at my hands. They were alI bloody. I kind of deserve this though. I had been mean and rude to him. Now I have saved him. I would be happy dying, dying as a hero. I felt the world around me start to go dark. I smiled to myself, as I shut my eyes.

Julie's POV

I scurried along the side of the W.I.C.K.E.D building, yelling for my uncle, a search team of guards behind me.

" Uncle Janson?"

"Uncle Janson!"

I found him lying on the ground, pale skinned. I fell to my knees and my mouth was wide open. He was dead. I looked at him with teary eyes. There were marks on his neck. Strangled, I thought. I looked for any survivors.

We searched through everything, and nothing. Until we heard rustling. One of the guards thought it was a squirrel. When we found where the sound came from, we didn't find a squirrel. We found a girl.

" Go Go! Get that rock off of her.Now! GET IT OFF!" I screamed to the guards.

She's our only hope, I thought.

They nodded and attempted to lift it. Wouldn't budge.

" Use your transvice to get it off," I told them.

" Uhhh.." a guard replied, scratching his neck. " If we use our transvices, we might blast the girl."

" Amateurs," I muttered, taking his transvice. I aimed for the rock and shot. White light blasted out of the transvice, hitting the rock. It disappeared into thin air.

" See, easy-peasy," I commented, throwing the transvice back to the guard. He caught it. They were all looking at where the rock used to be.

"What are you idiots looking at? Get the girl and follow me!" I commanded.

The guards lifted her, taking her by her arms and legs, and looked me.

" Come on follow me!" I yelled. I stormed off to the emergency room, beneath some close by trees.

The guards followed me outside.

Bastards, I thought. I scanned my finger on the scanner outside the secret door.

It opened and we all went in.

☯   ☯  ☯

A/N: Well, new fanfic. How is it?????? Oh, if you don't know what a transvice is, its a gun thing and it was mentioned in The Kill Order.

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