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Thank you guy so much for that! You're honestly the best since you have to put up with my weird updating schedule. You guys always wait so long for an update, and that update is always soooo short. THANK YOU GUYS FOR BRIGHTENING UP MY DAY SINCE I TOOK THE FREAKING SSAT AND IT WAS THE WORST.

I love you guys more than you could ever imagine :))) <3

stay faaaaaaaaaab


Teresa's POV

It had been a few days since I first came here, and everyone greeted me politely. Well, everyone but Minho. I was so thankful for Julie and surprisingly for Janson too, for sending me here. I was so caught up in this world that I totally forgot what I was here for.

To kill


It was nightfall, and everybody went to bed. I headed towards my own little house. I had moved out of Thomas's house last night. He had kindly let me sleep in the guest bedroom. As I was heading towards my room, there was a sharp pain in my head. I softly cried out, clutching my temple. I lay there on the floor for a few minutes before I sat up. The pain in my head was gone, but I felt different. I slowly got up, and looked at my hands. They were moving all over the place. I tried to get them to stop, but I couldn't control my hands. Or my whole body, for that matter.

What happened to me?

Remember what we did, a voice rang through my head.

Is that Janson, I thought

Hi there Teresa, Janson said.

How can I hear you, I asked.

Oh silly girl. Did you already forget?

What do you mean, I asked Janson.

We control you Teresa. Your movements, your brain. Everything. And you can't stop us now, Janson said.


Julie and I, he chuckled.

A pang of hurt and betrayal ran through my body.

Julie isn't the same little girl you knew months before, Janson said. She changed.

Bye, Janson said faintly.

What, I questioned.

But Janson never replied.

I'm so sorry for the short chapters. Trust me, I would write longer chapters if I could. But my mind doesn't want to cooperate with me so, THANKS for understanding. THANKS AGAIN FOR THE 1K! Means a lot :)

~ A

Lol no I'm not trying to reference PLL. My name actually starts with an A btw.

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