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a/n: so i'm finally feeling a bit better, so here you go! enjoy!

Teresa's POV

"Put the knife down," Tom says, lifting his hands. I smirk, tightening the grip on my knife.

"First, answer my question," I said, smiling at all three at them.

"Why would we listen to you, a cold-blooded killer?" Gally asked, glaring at me.

"What if I wasn't the killer?" I retorted. "And remember, I ask the questions," I reminded them, bringing the knife closer to Will's neck. It slightly touched his skin, which cut it ever so slightly. Will whimpered at the touch of the cold metal. "Or else he gets it."

"Fine! Fine, we'll listen! Just don't hurt the boy," Frypan yelled, looking at Will with sadness. I smirked, realizing I got the real deal.

"How many of you are left? Give me names!" I demanded. Recently, the cameras around the Glade had been not been functioning properly. I tried to contact Janson, but he wasn't responding. It was like he was gone, and was replaced with something stronger. Something better.

"I don't know!" Tom yelled. "I only know of us five! You, Will, Gally, Frypan, and me!"

"What happened to Brenda?" I asked, actually curious. I didn't kill that shank yet, and I so badly want to. Hopefully she isn't dead yet so I can do the deed.

"She got murdered by the one and only Frypan," Gally muttered through his clenched teeth while turning towards a scared Frypan. Frypan only looked towards the ground.

I internally groaned, but it was good she was dead; I won't have to waste my good weapons on her. "Well good job Frypan, I'm proud of you," I admitted, smirking at him, "but you missed one person." At that moment, Aris appeared out of the trees. I could hear Tom gasp, which made me smile.

"Looks like they killed the wrong person," Aris told Frypan, smirking as well.

"What are you doing with her?" Tom asked Aris, slowly taking a step forward. "Why did you join that monster?"

I felt a pang in my chest, but I ignored it. Thomas doesn't care about you, a female voice spoke. He never did. I clenched my teeth, ignoring the voice.

"She's not a monster," Aris responded, looking at me. "And she has a good reason why she's doing this."

"And what it that?" Gally asked him, raising his eyebrows.

"Let's stop talking about nonsense," I responded. "I appreciate the information, but this little guy has to go."

I slice Will's neck open, his blood quickly spilling out onto my hands on the ground. Frypan screams as Will's body slumps on the grass, motionless and soulless. Frypan runs towards the dead boy, crying hysterically.

"You SHANK!" Frypan yelled, throwing a punch at my face. I dodge it, grabbing his fist and twisting his arm. He screams in pain, causing me to smirk. I throw him behind me, hearing nothing but his fast paced breathing. He's down.

Next, Gally comes at me with a knife on the right, and I move just in time to dodge it. He doesn't stumble like Frypan. Instead, he turns around quickly and comes at me again. This time I wasn't so lucky and he slightly cut my arm. I cursed loudly and looked at the cut. It wasn't too deep, but it still bled a lot.

"Not so invincible now, are you?" Gally yells at me, pointing at my cut. I glare at him, about to spit something back, when I see Tom on the ground getting beaten by Aris.

All of a sudden Gally tackles me to he ground, knocking the air out of my lungs. He pins my arms to the ground and sits on my stomach, keeping me from moving.

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