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Teresa's POV


I asked Tom, hoping he would hear it.

Can you hear me?

There was a sharp pain in my head, but I was used to it. I looked towards Julie, and mouthed a no to her. She put her face in her hands, and sighed.  I jumped when I heard a faint, Yes.

Tom, is that you?

Yes, I heard.

"Its working!" I screamed.

"It is?" Julie asked, turning around to face me. I nodded my head, grinning. I hugged her, which took Julie by surprise. 

I thought you were dead, Tom says. That wipes my grin away,

Well I'm not, I replied.

Should I be?

No! I'm happy that your alive, Tom said.

In fact, I forgive you.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He forgives me? I grinned again, doing a mini dance while Julie chuckled. 

"I wish it was like old times," I heard Julie muttered. I was guessing I wasn't supposed to hear it. I liked the old times.


"Hey Terri," Julie said, jumping onto my bed. I turn around on my spiny chair to face Julie.

"Its Teresa," I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. 

"Here, you can call me Jules and I'll call you Terri," Julie said.

"Okay, Jules," I replu, putting an emphasis on Jules.

"So what were you doing before I came here?" she asked.

"Homework," I groaned. "I still don't understand why you don't have to go."

"Because you guys are like super geniuses or something," Julie mumbled.

"Hey, you're smart too. Remember what you did last week?" I told Julie, as she giggled. What Julie did was steal her uncle's card and stole a few buckets of ice cream and movies. We watched had a movie night that night.

"You should be happy. School sucks," I said.

"Thomas sucks," Julie says.

"Hey! Well, Gally sucks," I replied.

"Ha. Thats true," Julie said. We both burst into laughter.


"Hey, Teresa! You there?" Julie asked, shaking me.

"Y-yeah what?" I said. "Sorry, I spaced out."

"Yeah, for a long time. What were you thinking about?" Julie asked.

"Uh, just meeting Tom again," I lied. Julie smiled.

"Well you have to talk with Thomas first to do that, since you need him to open the flat trans from the Paradise," Julie reminded me. I nodded, getting to work.

Tom? I need to ask you something


An Hour Later


I was standing infant of a shimmering grey wall. Memories from the Scorch Trials haunted me. I remember having to go through a Flat Trans for the same time, with guards beside me. Julie was to my left, her hand on my shoulder.

"This is it," Julie said.

"Yep," I replied.

"Have fun, but not too much fun," Julie smirked.

"Ha ha very funny. Don't worry about it Jules," I replied, slapping my hand onto my mouth. I called her  Jules.

Julie's smirk faded, and was replaced by a small smile. 

"Good Luck Terri," Julie said.

"Thank you," I hugged Julie, and she hugged back. "I'll miss you."

"Well technically, I'll be in your head," Julie was saying. I playfully slapped her arm.

"Well you technically killed the mood," I almost screamed. 

Teresa, when are you coming, Tom said.

"Tom's calling," I said, pointing to the Flat Trans.

"Bye," she said, waving her hand. I smiled at there before I stepped into the Flat Trans, entering a new world.

  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~  ~~

this isn't edited, so bear with me

A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! There is no shucking wifi in my apartment and I couldn't do anything online. I could only hook my laptop up on an ethernet cable, and it was only for school. Its a pain without wifi :((( The wifi came back yesterday.

My creative writing teacher was talking about fan fiction. He read one and said that we should make one. TRUE STORY

I KNOW THIS IS SO SHuCKinG short. I have my SSAT coming up and I have two big tests on Sunday! 

MY BDAY IS COMING UP!!! Its on November 13th btw :) ( a friday)

I'll try to update this if I have wifi, but I probably can't because my family is going travelling for my bday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SOMEONE ON EARTH :)) When its your bday, TELL MEH. I'll dedicate a chapter to you :)

Lawl wazup with me and birthdays lately :D

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