Season 1-12 (Faith)

Start from the beginning

"I'm already healing." She said. She tried to stand but instantly fell back down.

"Come on. Let's get the kids out." Dean said as he picked Hayden up, carrying her.

Sam ushered the kids up the stairs. Then something underneath them, grabbed Sam by his ankle and snatched him back down the stairs.

Dean went over there and shot his taser but he missed.

"Sam, take her! Get them outta here!" Dean yelled handing Hayden to him.

"You take this!" Sam replied giving Dean his taser before they both went their separate ways.

Sam had gotten the kids out while Dean checked the rest of the basement.

"Come on." He urged before the monster jumped out and punched him in the face. Dean fell back into the wall dropping his taser into the puddle next to him. He quickly crawled into the puddle getting his weapon back.

Hayden didn't like the idea of Dean being alone with that thing. So she teleported back inside but she was too weak from the fight with the monster that she couldn't teleport straight to Dean.

"Daddy!" She called. She walked around a pillar, using it for support, and saw the monster approaching Dean. Before she could do anything, the thing stepped into the water that Dean was laying in. Dean shot it with the taser, electroctuting himself and the monster with 100,000 bolts of electricity.

Hayden screamed as she felt Dean's pain from the shock. Dean then passed out and Hayden fell to the ground holding her chest as she gasped for air. Sam ran down the stairs, after getting the kids out safe, to find the monster dead, Hayden gasping for air and Dean unconscious in a puddle of water.


"Get daddy." She cut him off. She was on the brink of passing out from the pain.

Sam wasted no time going to his brother.

"Dean! Dean! Hey! Hey! Hey!" He said as he tried to wake him up but Dean remained unconscious.


Sam stood at the front desk in the hospital. Hayden stood next to him, holding his hand. The receptionist typed on her computer before turning to Sam.

"Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." She said.

Sam let go of Hayden's hand and grabbed his wallet from his jacket. He was still rattled by the situation. He then handed the lady a card with a fake name on it.

"Okay, Mr. Berkovitz." The receptionist said accepting the card.

Sam nodded at her before turning towards the two cops that were waiting for him.

"Wait here, ok?" Sam said to Hayden. He took a second to examine the child. She was silent and crying. She could feel Dean's pain.

"Hey, he's going to be alright." Sam said squatting down to the child's level. She finally took her eyes from the floor and looked at him.

"No he's not Uncle Sammy. I can feel it. He's dying... and it's my fault." She said barely above a whisper. Sam gave her a serious look.

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