eighty-four | the story

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Part I/I - The Story


"Hi," Stella says with a warm smile as she peaks her head in my office. "Busy?"

"Hey, come in," I say with a smile as she walks in my office and closes the door behind her.

When I decided to start up my company, I knew I wanted to run it with someone I knew had the same drive I had. Stella was a hard worker and quit her cooperate position and took on partnership at my company as soon as I offered it to her.

Not only have we worked together in the past, but we trusted each other's judgement. Stella and I are friends first before we're business partners.

"How are there like a million different chinas to choose from?" she asks causing me to chuckle.

After Stella and Amelia reunited, Stella decided it was time to tie the knot and officially ask Amelia to marry her. Their wedding was this December and they've been working day and night on tiny little details.

"Oh, wait till you guys have to choose the silverware," I say causing her to huff. "I'm so glad Jay had her whole wedding planned because I would've died planning it on my own."

"Yeah," she says with a little laugh. "About that... I was going to ask you something."

"No..." I say unbelievingly, holding back a smile realising what she was about to ask.

"Wanna be my maid of honour?" she asks nervously with a smile.

"Really?" I ask sympathetically.

"I mean we wouldn't be getting married if you hadn't pushed me to chase her down, I also can't do this without you, Alina," she says with a little chuckle. "So, what do you say?"

"I'm honoured Stel," I say as get off my chair and pull her in a tight embrace.


"I can't believe she's getting married," I say from the couch, fiddling with my nails as Lana was changing in the bedroom.

"I know. I'm so happy for them. They make such a cute couple," Lana says casually as she comes toward the couch, planting a kiss on my cheek before she walks around and lays beside me.

"Right?" I say absentmindedly.

I'd be lying if I said that Stella proposing to Amelia didn't make me contemplate my own relationship. They've been dating on off for the past four years, and Lana and I have been dating on and off for the past seven years.

seven years

If you told me seven years ago that I'd be contemplating marriage I would've laughed in your face. I barely committed to anything then, and now I was envious of my friends that were getting married.

crazy world if you ask me

I know that our relationship was never conventional, and I knew Lana wouldn't be able to commit to that because of her career, so naturally marriage wasn't something we have discussed before even if we were fully committed to each other.

"Would you take my hand?" Lana asks, breaking me away from my reverie.

was i thinking out loud?

"What?" I say, internally panicking as she holds her hands out for me.

"Woah, where did you go?" Lana says with a little laugh when she realised I was in a trance. "Remember I told you my wrist's been hurting?"

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