Broken Body

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Lukas was playing basketball with a couple friends when he got the call. A call from Steve, telling him to get himself to the hospital fast. All Lukas was told was that they were in an accident, and Max got the worst of it.

"Hey man, are you sure you don't need me to stay?" Jason asked while dropping Lukas off at the hospital.

"I'm sure, don't worry..." Lukas was not looking so good. He was losing color and and he threw up on the court before they left.

"You call me when you know what's going on, okay? I'll pray for your girlfriend. I hope she's okay." Jason offered his prayers.

"Thank you, thanks for the ride." Lukas appreciated it as he got out of the car and rushed into the hospital.

Lukas met Steve where he was supposed to, relieved to see that Steve only had a couple cuts. "What's going on? Are El and Max going to be okay?!" Steve barely said anything over the phone because he was in shock.

"El bumped her head, but she's okay. Just a slight concussion. Joyce and Hopper got here a couple minutes ago. I'm waiting for Susan to show up. Max didn't have her seatbelt on, she got thrown pretty hard upon impact. She has a couple minor injuries, two broken legs, and they think she might have a pretty severe concussion." Steve didn't even feel like what he was saying was true. He was out of it, he felt like he was in a twisted nightmare.

"Shit..." Lukas leaned on the wall and covered his face. "How are you and Jane practically fine?"

"Like I said, she didn't put her seatbelt on. There was nothing protecting her at all." Steve would be duct taping the kids to his car next time, if that's what it took to keep them safe.

"When can I see her?" Lukas wondered.

"I'll take you to her in a minute, I'm waiting for Susan. Robin and Barbara are coming later, they are working and we don't want to crowd the hospital. I'm keeping them updated." Steve pulled out his phone to let them know Lukas had showed up.

"I doubt Max's mom will show up..." Lukas admitted. "Max is going to be okay, right?" Lukas felt terrified that Max was going to die. If she died now, she'd die thinking Lukas didn't want her. Didn't love her. The last thing Lukas would of said to her, is that he couldn't handle her. Lukas did not want that to be the last thing he says to Max.

"She should recover with time." Steve said hopefully. "None of her injuries are going to kill her, but she might have lasting damage."


Twenty minutes went by, Steve was ready to punch a wall. "Where the hell is her mom?"

"Susan doesn't have a car of her own. You know that, right? She walks to work, and borrows Billy car when he'll let her. She used to use Neil's old car, but the breaks stopped working." Lukas explained, Max had ranted about that situation to him before.

"Oh...shit..." Steve chewed on his lip. "Will you be okay here alone if I go get Susan? I'll just have to a taxi, I guess."

Lukas shrugged. "Yeah, can I go see Max now?"

Steve thought about it. "Are you sure? It's pretty bad, I don't want you to be alone in there."

Lukas didn't even want to imagine what Steve meant by that. "I can take it, I just need to see her. I'll brace myself for the worst."

Steve stood up, "come on then..."

Steve took Lukas to the room, and spied on him through the little window. He wanted to make sure Lukas was okay before he left. He watched as Lukas timidly approached the bed. His heart turned into a puddle, as Lukas picked up Max's hand and kissed it gently. Once he was sure they were alright, he left to get Susan.

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