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I am very sleep deprived while editing this so if I missed any mistakes, let me know.


What did Steve say?" El asked while sitting on her bed.

"I don't know, he's sending so many texts. I can't even read what he's saying..." Max stared at her screen. It was safe to say Steve was freaking out. "He asked if you used a condom."

"No?" El leaned back on her bed.

Max glared at her before responding to Steve. "You need to start being more responsible El. Having sex is one thing, but not even being safe? And you did it with MIKE?"

"Max, you know I love Mike." El said timidly.

"Don't you care about me too? Mike is a jerk. He's crazy, remember? He stabbed me, he harasses me. He's a massive dick to you too." Max watched her screen as Steve spammed her again. "I think Steve is going to set up an appointment for you at the clinic."

"Oh..." El did not like that idea.

"I know you hate clinics but this is your consequence." Max put her phone away and inched closer to Jane. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll go with you for support."

"You will?" Jane looked at Max.

"Yeah, since your dad won't be there." Max wanted Jane to take responsibility, but she also didn't want Jane to suffer alone.

"Thanks Max..." Jane turned over and hugged Max's side. "I'm a terrible friend, I am so sorry."

"It's okay..." Max hugged Jane back. "I forgive you."

"Thank you!" Jane rolled over on top of Max and hugged her. She thought it would be fine, but Max immediately pushed her off.

"El!" Max giggled. "Relax, I'm not Mike. Keep off of me." She teased.

Jane pouted and gave Max some space again. "I just wanted to hug you, you're a good friend."

"Thanks, but I've got to get back to Will." Max stood up. "Try to relax, Steve will help us sort it out."

"Okay..." El curled up on her bed and sighed. She was hoping Hopper wouldn't pick up on something being wrong.


El sat on the exam table, nervously fidgeting with the paper lining. She would rather die than have a doctor actually enter the room.

"You doing alright, El?" Steve asked while he himself was chewing on his nails.

"Mhm..." El wrapped her arms around herself and tried to stay calm. "Max, hold my hand." Jane put her hand out.

Max got up so she could reach Jane's hand. "You'll be fine, it'll be over quick."

"I'm scared about telling my dad..." El whined and thought of all the yelling Hopper would do. She'd be locked up for the rest of her life.

"We'll see what's going on, and deal with that later. Maybe you won't have to tell him." Steve would keep his lips sealed as long as it wasn't serious. "As long as you promise me won't have unprotected sex again."

"I promise..." El sighed.

"You're kids, you should wait anyway before you start being sexually active. Trust me, I made that mistake too. I wish I could go back and stop myself. It causes a lot of problems." Steve spoke from experience.

El didn't say anything, she just held Max's hand shamefully. When the doctor walked in, she looked up quickly and squeezed Max's hand.

"Hello, how are you?" The doctor asked a repeat question. She asked all her patients that, but the answer was obvious. "Probably not good, huh?" She smiled. "I'm Dr. Campbell. What's bringing you in here today?"

Hysterical {Maxine Mayfield} COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now