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TW//Mentions of homophobia

"what are we supposed to do? this is tearing the group apart!" Lukas ranted to Max while pacing around. They were hanging out behind the mall together. Things were tense, and everyone in the group was taking time to themselves. It has been a week since Will's secret was out.

"It's Mike's fault. He had no right to tell people at school about Will. The problem isn't Will being gay. That's not why Dustin isn't coming around, that's not why El is mad. All this tension is because Mike made it a huge deal." Max blamed everything on Mike, Mike was being extremely homophobic. Overall he was being a horrible friend.

"You're right...I can't believe he'd be so hateful towards Will..." Lukas sighed and sat down on the ground with Max.

"Yeah...that's not even the worst part." Max confessed.

"It's not?" Lukas looked at her.

Max hesitated, but she knew it had to come off her chest somehow. "El...isn't straight. That's why she's mad at Mike. Yet she's also mad at Will, because he triggered this behavior from Mike..."

"Woah- what?" Lukas' eyes bulged out.

"I know it's not right for me to tell people, but I trust you. I need to get it off my mind...El's complicated and I'm not trying to start drama." Max took a deep breath.

"You can tell me anything." Lukas reassured her.

"El confessed that she has romantic feelings about me, but she loves Mike...and it's been making living with her really awkward." Max held her breath, afraid of what reaction she would get.

"Oh wow- uh, that's crazy!" Lukas was shocked to say the least. "She actually told you that?"

Max nodded. "Yeah... I'm obviously not about to freak out like Mike, but it's weird. I have only ever seen El as a friend. It's not like she wants to date me or anything, she just...mentioned having thoughts about me."

"Right..." Lukas went silent to think about what he was hearing. "So El might be bisexual or something?"

"Yeah, probably... which makes it so much more fucked up that Mike is homophobic." Max hated Mike enough for discriminating against Will. The fact that he would also do the same to El, made Max's blood boil. "He's a piece of shit. If I came out as bisexual you wouldn't be mean to me."

"That's true..." Lukas agreed, he wouldn't see Max differently. At least not entirely. "So for the don't like El back?"

"No! Of course I don't. I just don't see El like, I'm kind of taken." Max playfully shoved Lukas.

Lukas chuckled and shoved her in return. "I was just asking. It would break my heart, but I'd support you."

"Really? If I ran off to date El you would support me?" Max raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well yeah? What else would I do? Throw a homophobic tantrum? Hate wouldn't bring you back." Lukas shrugged.

"I guess...for your stupid little record, I don't care about gender. Technically anyone has a shot with me, long as they aren't dumb." Max didn't realize that she walked straight into a flirt opportunity.

"So what I'm hearing is...I'm not dumb?" Lukas wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. He kissed her aggressively on the cheek before she could protest.

"I never said that!" Max blushed and tried to wiggle out of his hold.

"Just admit you love me." Lukas teased and let her go.

Hysterical {Maxine Mayfield} COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now