Bad Actions Will Haunt You

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"So California huh? That's pretty cool." Barbara was trying to carry on a conversation, while Max wasn't giving much to work with.

"I guess, it wasn't that glamourous." Max wanted nothing more than to go home and take a nap in her bed. This was boring to her, and very unsettling. She didn't want to have a deep conversation with a stranger.

"Can I ask how old you are? You look little." Barbara was really curious about Max's age.

"I'm 16, so I guess I'm considered little compared to you?" Max looked at Barbara.

"Everyone is little compared to me, it's been that way since highschool." Barbara laughed sheepishly and looked around the park. "Did your parents make you come here today? You definitely aren't acting like you want to be here."

"Oh, mom couldn't care less that I'm here. My uh... babysitter? Yeah, I guess he's a babysitter...he made me come here." Max didn't know how to refer to Steve. If Max just called him a guy she ran away with, Barbara would probably feel enticed to call the police.

"Oh, aren't you a little old for a babysitter?" Barbara grinned playfully.

"Nah, I guess does this thing get less boring? I'm not really this type of person. No offense, but I didn't come here to socialize." Max said honestly.

"It's therapy, it's not really meant to be fun. I enjoy it though, it's really the only thing keeping me sane. I don't have anyone to talk to, not in my personal life." Barbara admitted awkwardly. "Do you want to head back to the fountain early?"

"Uh..." Max huffed softly and continued walking through the park. She might as well keep going with the trust exercise for a little longer. "You could talk to me."

"I am talking to you, but you don't seem all that interested." Barbara teased.

"Sorry, that's just my face. I always look like I'm bored as hell. My boyfriend used to get so annoyed because I struggle to look happy." Max didn't even realize she was opening up.

"Ooh, a boyfriend? Can I ask what he's like?" Barbara was invested in Max's story. She had always been a great listener, she spent most of her life listening to people's problems. Yet never getting the chance to let her own out. That's why she liked this group. She was able to express herself for once.

"His name is Lukas, he's pretty chill. He has been really patient with me." Max spoke highly of Lukas.

"That's good, teenage relationships aren't always stable and healthy." Barbara spoke from experience.

"Trust me, I know. One of my best friends is in love with this toxic asshole." Max groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Oh boy, I know exactly what you mean." Barbara sympathized. "When I was 16 I went through the same drama. That's part of the reason I don't have friends now. They were all so fake and dramatic."

"Did you go to school here in Hawkins?" Max wondered.

"Yeah, I was born here." Barbara nodded with a smile. "why?"

"Do you know Nancy Wheeler? You look about her age." Max crossed her arms.

"Do I know Nancy Wheeler?" Barbara crossed her arms to match Max's energy. "I've cried, lied, and fought for Nancy Wheeler. What's the point?"

"Her brother, he's dating my friend. He's fucking insane." Max didn't know why she was telling her this, it just came out naturally.

"Mike?" Barbara gasped. "Well, I didn't see that coming...I guess not everyone in that family can be so sickeningly perfect."

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