Art Room Scandal

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TW// Mike Wheeler (Expect harsh mature language, and victim blaming.)

Steve opened the door for Max and Lukas as they entered the apartment. "That was fun, we need to do that more."

"Totally, Barb and Robin are so much fun." Lukas agreed and pulled off his jacket. "You sure it's cool if I stay?"

"For sure." Steve took Lukas' jacket and hung it up. "you told your parents, right?"

"Well they don't know Max is here, but yeah." Lukas shrugged. His parents might get weird if they knew Max was also there.

"Strict parents?" Steve scoffed. "As long as you two respect the boundaries, I don't care if you sleep on the couch together."

"Thanks for not making it weird." Lukas watched as Max walked off to the living room. "where are you going?"

"I'm tired, I'm laying down." Max said before flopping down on Steve's second hand couch.

"Wait for me!" Lukas ran to the couch and flopped next to her.

Steve just smiled and shook his head. He thought looking out for them would be easy. Lukas would only be there for a night, and Max was only one teenage girl. How much damage could a teenage girl do?

-Two Week Time Skip-

"Max, Robin texted. She's outside!" Steve called from the living room.

"Okay!" Max got up from the kitchen table and grabbed her bag. "How much longer are you two going to toss me back and fourth?"

"Until your brother's trial most likely." Steve shrugged. Billy was reported to the police, but a trial had to be held before they would do anything about it. Even then he was only looking at around 2 years of jail time at best.

"There's no point, he'd kill me when he gets out anyway." Max walked to the door and grabbed her jacket. "See you in a few days?"

"See you in a few days." Steve ruffled Max's hair, and surprisingly didn't get slapped.

Max took her things down the steps and left the apartment building. Robin was parked in the usual spot, so she didn't need to look around. When she got into the car, Robin was beaming with a good mood.

"Hey kiddo, ready to have the best day of your life?" Robin asked with an enthusiastic grin.

"Why? Are you making cookies again?" Max asked.

"No, no... Well, maybe. What I mean is, I got us movie tickets." Robin was bursting with joy.

"Oh?" Max tilted her head. "Why? For what?"

"Last time you were at my place, you said you wanted to see 'Spider-Man no way home' in theater. Remember?" Robin nudged her. "Am I the best aunt or what?"

Max lit up with joy. "You remembered that?!"

"Yeah!" Robin started the car and tried to focus on driving. She only recently got her license, so she was a bit anxious. "I got my hands on 5 know what that means? Me, you, Steve, Lukas, and who ever else you choose to bring."

Max couldn't believe Robin remembered, and actually bought multiple tickets. She felt like she wanted to cry, she didn't feel deserving. "El might want to go, haven't talked to her in awhile. Are you sure you don't want to bring 'Barbie' with us?"

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