'You know what I'm thinking. How can I not think it? I've been planning to visit Paul for weeks.'

Myeong came over and grabbed his arm. 'No. It's too dangerous. What if you're caught? What if he hurts you?'

Roco's laughter echoed darkly around the room. 'You're kidding me, right?'

'You don't need to do this for me. I'm over him. He's gone. Forever. Don't bring him back.'

'You're wrong. And you know you're wrong. Paul infests your thoughts. Thus, he infests my thoughts. Like a rat. Like a bug. We need to close this chapter. You need to close this chapter.'

'Don't go,' she begged. 'Please.'

'The others are meeting up shortly. We're going to go with them, Myeong. That's right. Us. You need this. You need to confront him.'

'Don't-don't tell me what I need. Only I know what I need!' Her dark eyes darted around the room.


Her hands were trembling. He grabbed onto her as she staggered. He lowered her gently to her knees. Kneeling with her, he took her face. Her eyes were distant. It was like her mind had gone elsewhere. He felt cold. Their bond was cold.

Silo had once told him what his mate had been like during the worst of her mental sickness. This seemed disturbingly similar. He'd forgotten about the streaks. He'd forgotten about how sick Myeong really was. She hid it well. Too damn well.

'Okay,' he said quickly. 'You don't need to go. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.' What right did he have to make her do what she didn't want to do? In fact, it was a very Paul thing to do. That turned his mouth dry.

For a moment she didn't move, then her eyes slowly turned to his. 'Don't go.'

Roco nodded. 'Okay.' He brushed his thumbs beneath her eyes. 'I won't.' Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. 'I'll let the others know. And I won't ask you again. Can you stand?'

Myeong nodded and Roco helped her to her feet. He could feel the warmth slowly seeping back into their bond. She seemed smaller, shrivelled even, as she looked down at her feet. Roco gently pulled her against his chest and held her.

'I'm sorry,' he said again.


She was only trembling a little now. The strength had returned to her legs. What just happened? She couldn't remember. It was like she'd blacked out. Paul. Go back to Rictor 5 to confront Paul.

Her hands started to shake again. Biting her lip, she clutched onto Roco. There was no place she could be further away from Paul than here. There was no safer person to be with than Roco. Why did he have to bring it up?

She knew why. He was angry. No. Not just angry. He'd also imbibed some of Myeong's fear too. It wasn't just about Myeong, it was about him. Because of their bond, he was suffering. Burying her face into Roco's chest, she released a breath. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps she needed to be stronger. Braver. Paul stalked her dreams almost every night. How many did Roco see? How many of Myeong's memories had he lived?

But what if it made things worse? Myeong bit down on her lip as she started to tremble again. Paul's face kept flashing in her mind. His dark angry eyes. The way he balled his fists at his sides. They way he hunched over and all the veins stuck out in his arms and neck. She shivered.

Roco laid a hand against the back of her neck. 'We won't do it. Forget about it.'

Myeong pulled back. She stared into his chest, unable to look at him. Unwilling to have him see the dread in her eyes. Her fingers and toes felt cold. There was a prickling at the back of her neck.

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