chapter 33 Mommy issues

Start from the beginning

Camilla: (sighs) fertility. And it's not something I take with pride.

Mike: wow ok then will talk more on that later for now lets just talk with your mom.

Mike then got up but before he went to the door he went to verosika and whispered to her.

Mike: (whispered) vero if things go down south give us your best bitch face.

Verosika shifted her brow a bit but kept her normal expression. It seemed to do the tick well for mike, so he went and opened the door for Aphrodite. When she saw Mike, she smiled cutsly and moved her hips to show more of her curves.

Aphrodite: Why hello there~

He was not affected.

Mike: Uh hello mame, how may I help you?

Aphrodite: I'm here to see my daughter. (Pretends to be dumb) But she's a bit mad at me for some reason. Will you let me in? I'll repay you if you do~

Mike: Uh that won't be necessary but yes will let you in so we can talk.

When Mike turned around, Aphrodite squinted her eyes at him. Instead of taking the hint, she took the complete opposite train of thought.

Aphrodite: (In her head) So you must be a new boy shes with and it seems you're not so easly swayed. Hehe, good, makes it so much more satisfying when you finally crake~

Mike brought her to the living room, with Camilla choosing not to look at her.

Verosika: So your must be ... Aphrodite the goddess of love, Cam's mom?

Aphrodite: The one and only.

Verosika: Well, I'm the demoness of love.

Aphrodite: ... Well every Beatuful yin must have a darker yang.

Verosika: Ex-fucking-cuse me!?!

Mike: (nervous chuckle) Just kidding, she's just kidding vero. (whiperes to verosika) just play nice for now until we solve this and she gone. Good first impression are always important. (Out loud) Anyway, why don't we all sit and talk this whole thing out?

Aphrodite sat down next to Camilla, who still did not look at her. The whole situation felt awkward, with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Mike tried to break the tension by talking.

Mike: So aphrodite, why are you here to see cam?

Aphrodite: Aww, can't a mother just come visit her daughter?

Camilla: Cut the bullshit and just say it.

Aphrodite: Fine fine, I hate to admit it, but my time is growing short.

Zilla: What? I thought gods were immortal?

Aphrodite: From time, yes, and were not so easly killed. But my brother from down under told me my time is near and unavoidable, so I need ... a replacement.

Camilla: ... where are you going with this?

Aphrodite: Isn't it obvious? I want you to take my place.

Mike: Wait, you want cam to become the next goddesses of love, beauty and fertility?

Aphrodite: I do.

Camilla: ... You can't be serious. Why would you want me to be your replacement?

Aphrodite: Well, I need someone to be as beautiful and sexy as me and camilla, you fit that description to a T.

Camilla: You mean to tell me, after all this time, you came to me to ... be you?

Aphrodite: Hmm, that's a rather crude way of putting it.

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