"There's plenty more gear on the tank!" He said, before running off.

Yukari yelled a playful scream in the background as she proceeded to get shot dozens of times by a paintball machine gun,


After giving the the keys to the crates on the back of the tank, they opened it up.

There was dozens of sets of paintball guns and gear in there.


2 hours later,

The paintball fight was straight up LEGENDARY

With about a hundred participants, the hours went by fast as hundreds of paintballs were drained.

The fight extended into the parking lot,

It looked like a warzone,

Better than any lame bathing session, that's for sure.

"Well, that was certainly an exhilarating experience, now where's my tea?" Darjeeling said, orange pekoe rising to go get the tea out of the Churchill.

Rosehip acted like she was let off a leash,

Katyusha played too much Call of duty, and was trying to act like it was the game, but it wasn't.

Nonna was too busy trying too keep her from blowing a fuse,

Nishi kept trying to stop Fukuda from banzai charging with a pipe,

Miho was so worried about it being her first paintball fight.

Mako fell asleep on the field, and everyone though she was dead for a second,

Saori was too scared of all the nasty paint to have any fun,

Yukari found the paintball RPG,

And Hana practically almost broke someone's neck by shooting them in the head with a paintball Sniper Barrett from a few hundred feet away.

The boys were holed up on the roof of the building blaring the "Sabaton the last stand" on full volume.

Either way, everyone was covered from head to toe in paint.

And it was dark,

The ships would soon be leaving.

So everyone said their goodbyes, and they were off.

Except for the boys,

They had to CLEAN UP,

They grabbed all the uniforms and guns, but the paintball marks which were everywhere....

They gave a cash reward in compensation to the staff.....

Hopefully they could fix it.


The boys were responsible for getting the Tank back to the garage,

Mostly Girls, und Panzer II: Der Film (Male Reader OC x Girls und Panzer) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant