*Chapter 8*

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After 2 days of long and hard thinking (and definitely not me lacking motivation) Y/n had settled their thoughts. The past 2 days, nothing was heard from Miu. She probably didn't want to push Y/n too much, which was nice of her. They decided to call Kaede and tell her about their decision. The phone was ringing as Y/n sat on their couch, silencing their TV. Soon, the girl on the other side answered,"Hello Y/n-chan?" "Heyy... so y'know about the situation? I thought about it a lot and I want to tell you my conclusion... I hope that's okay?" They asked. The girl hummed,"Yes, sure! So what did you decide?" Kaede asked curiously.

"So I decided to accept her confession... but only under the conditions of a healthy relationship. If I see red flags that point out, I'm going to break up for the better." They said. The blonde girl nodded her head which Y/n obviously wasnt able to see. "I think that's a good choice. I wish you two good luck!" "Thanks alot." They muttered. They hung up shortly after since it was Monday morning and they still had to get ready. They did their morning routine, got their bag and walked to school. As usual, they would wait for Miu in front of the school gate. Soon, Miu arrived which made them even more nervous.

"H-Hey Y/n..." Miu muttered, nervous about their answer as well. They muttered a quick "Hey" too before dragging them to a corner where they would be alone. "So uhm... I thought a lot over the weekend and my answer is: yes. I want to give you a chance and try to make this work." They replied as her face noticeably lit up. "But under one condition." They continued. "I want this to be a healthy relationship. I want this to actually work out and... a lot better than with you and Kaede." Miu nodded her head,"I promise I won't be the way I was before." She said with a serious face. They nodded as Miu hugged them.

"So that means that we're officially together??" She squeaked. "Yes, yes that's what it means." They said. Miu seemed so happy at this moment, it made their face light up too. The schoolbell soon rang and the two realised that they were now late for class. "Oh fuck." Miu said as she grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged them inside the school building. The two made a run to their assigned classrooms. Good thing that Y/n 'just' had to walk all the way up and most likely faint due to all those stairs. The two of them seperated after reaching Miu's floor, Y/n was already at the verge of dying as they had to continue walking up their stairs.

Once they reached their classroom, they were basically dead. "Y/n! Why are you so late!" The teacher scolded them. They looked like a tomatoe and were breathing ao heavily that you would think that they're hyperventilating. "...stairs." Y/n just muttered as they pointed to the direction. The teacher let that slide because she hated those stairs too. She then just continued with their lesson.

The schoolday passed by and it was pretty weird between Miu and Y/n because none of them knew how to act around each other now. It would take a while to get used to it, they guessed. "Uhm so..." Miu said while playing with her fingers. "Could I stay over at your place tonight?" She asked. Y/n flushed a bright red colour as they replied,"Yes sure. Do you want to grab some things first?" They asked as she nodded. "I'll quickly get them and then come over. See you!" She happily said as she ran off.

'This seems so surreal', they thought. 'Knowing that we are for real dating is so weird.' They decided to just head to their room for now and wait until Miu arrived as well. They cleaned up their room a bit to make it more representable. After around 20 minutes, Miu arrived with a bag of things. The two of them made themselves comfortable on the couch and clicked through the TV channels to see if there was anything out of their interest. They ended up watching a bit of Family Guy until it was around 12am. The two of them decided to go to sleep since they had to go to school again the next day.

Miu took out a make-up remover and went to the bathroom to, well, take off her make-up. She came out again and probably for the first time since knowing her, they've seen her without her make-up. Miu sat down next to them on the bed as Y/n stared at her face to get a better look. Without her make-up, you could see little freckles spread around her face. It still looked like she had some blush on though, since her face had a light redish shade to it. You could also see a couple pimples too. It seemed like the staring made her a bit insecure though since she spoke up,"W-What are you staring at? Am I that awful to look at without make-up!?" She got a bit defensive.

"No, no. I was just admiring your face. You've got cute freckles." They said as she got redder than she was before. "You think so?" She asked as they nodded. "Of course. Now lets go to sleep." They said as they laid down on one side of the bed signaling her to join them. Miu seemed a bit shy at first but then quickly joined them. The two laid down, facing each other. The two stared onto each others faces for a while as Miu quickly pecked their cheek, fluttering Y/n. Then, the two started to slowly fall asleep.


Whatt?! Me?!?! Alive?!? Yeah I guess so
Anyways who knows when I'll update again :o enjoy this chapter

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