*Chapter 1*

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"Wait for real?" Y/n asked as she nodded. "I kinda feel bad... but at the same time I've been feeling better. Like a preassure was lifted from my shoulders. Is that weird?" She asked. "No, I dont think so. It just shows that the relationship really wasn't good for you. I'm glad that you are doing better." Y/n said with a smile. "But I also guess that she didn't come to school exactly because of that?" They asked as she nodded. "Yeah... she locks herself away whenever she's upset so I guess so. I hope that it won't last that long and that she keeps up with food..." Kaede said, worried. "I hope so too." Y/n responded.

The next week passed and there was still no sign of Miu. Everyone progressively got more and more worried. Even Kokichi and the people that didn't really like her. Y/n took it upon themselves to go to Miu's place and check up on her. They weren't that close but they were kind of friends? Well they hung out sometimes with Kaede because she was their connection... in some way. Y/n bought her some instant noodles because they are amazing and went to her place. They rang her doorbell but got no response, so like a normal human being, they spam pressed her doorbell until she had enough.

She opened the door with puffy eyes and the biggest eyebags ever, yet her attitude stayed the same. "What the fuck do you want?" She said. "Oh it's you." She said in a more degrading way. "What a way to greet someone. You haven't been in school for a week so I came to check up on you and deliver you some food." They said as they reached the bag towards her. She just looked at it and then looked back at them. "No thank you." She said as she shut the door again. Y/n expected this though and put their feet in between the door which they are sure that it was broken after the force Miu slammed the door shut with.

"Get your feet out of the way, bitch." She said. "First of, ow. Second of, no. If you close the door then I will continue to spam ring your doorbell until you wished that you just let me in. So please, let me in." Y/n said, trying to convince her. Miu just sighed and opened the door, letting Y/n into her house. "Thank you." They said. Once they walked into the house, they noticed the huge mess she had collected probably since the break-up. The windows were all covered with curtains, letting not even 1 streak of sunlight in. The floors were covered with tissues and the sink had 3 plates on them. 'I assume that this means that she only had 3 meals in 7 days.', they thought.

Y/n sighed,"This looks like a mess." "No shit." Miu said, making her way to the couch and sinking in again. "I will clean this up for you but for starters you have to eat something. And let a little bit of sunlight into the house." Y/n suggested. Miu just stayed quiet, so they decided to make her some ramen. While the ramen was soaking in, they cleaned the table so that she could eat without 10.000 tissues next to it. Miu sometimes glanced at them but then covered herself with a blanket again. The table was now clean and the ramen ready to be eaten. As Miu slowly ate it up, Y/n cleaned the dishes and all the mess she created.

Once Miu finished, her house looked good again. Y/n sat down next to Miu,"Thanks.." She muttered. "It's no big deal. But you should get out and get some fresh air. The sun is supposed to help against bad moods." They suggested. "We can go out together if you want. I know that going out alone pretty much sucks." Miu looked at them and then thought for a minute. "Okay. Sure. Whatever. Don't think that I like you now because you did some things for me." She said in a harsh tone. "I won't." They said.

Miu then quickly took a shower and got dressed. She put her hair in a ponytail and just wore a pink hoodie with ripped jeans. "Are you ready?" Y/n asked as she nodded. They got out of her house and took a small walk in awkward silence. Since they weren't close, they didn't really have anything to talk about. And Y/n had the feeling that Miu was just going to give harsh answers anyways. "So- uhm..." Miu started. "Thanks for checking up on me..." She whispered. "I feel a bit better now thanks to you." She said as she avoided eye contact. Y/n just smiled,"No problem. Are you coming to school again tomorrow?" Y/n asked her. "...I will think about it." Miu just answered as they continued their walk.

Soon, they spotted a park which was currently empty. "Wanna go to the park?" Y/n asked her. "I'm not a little kid." She said harshly. But then she just stared at the park. "...yeah I want to." She quietly whispered. They just nodded as the two of them walked inside the park. They sat down on the swing as they watched their surroundings. The silence was still awkward as hell and it made it even worse that none of them spoke. "This is so awkward." Y/n said trying to somehow make it less awkward. "Yeah for real." Miu said with a little laugh. "Uhm... wanna talk about something?" Y/n suggested as Miu nodded,"No fucking topic could be worse than this awkward silence. Well I guess there is one..." She said as she narrowed her head.

"If you want to get it out of your chest, I'm here for you. If you don't trust me yet though that's fine too." They said. "I guess there isn't anything wrong with telling you a bit... don't even fucking think that we are besties or something. You helped me and it would be hella rude if I refused. Or that's how it seems like." She whispered the lat part. "Well I'm all ears." Miu sighed. "It's really hard for me, especially since she means so much to me. I just wish I wasn't such a fucking toxic bitch and maybe... we'd still be together. It hurts so fucking much but in her place I probably would've done the same. I promised her to get help because the way I act in a relationship isn't going to be that amazing in the future either. I hope it works." She vented a bit.

"If you want to change that about yourself and you are aware of the toxic side, then I'm pretty sure that you will be able to 'heal' from it, if you know what I mean. You've got the spirit so I don't see why you shouldn't be able to manage it." They said. "I hope so." Miu replied. The two of them then made their way back to her house again. Who thought that it would end up this well? Miu might not be as bad as they thought she might be.


Woo wooo drama from the beginning ;) I hope you liked the first two chapters
I'm really excited to write this aaaa

Miu x Reader (female) [Cancelled]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon