*Chapter 5*

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The four of them played a long round of Monopoly. Y/n landed on the second and the last street of the most expensive ones. The problem being; Miu wanted it. She already bought the other one. "Oh my fucking God. L/n-san I'm begging you. Don't do this to me." She said as she looked at them and back at the street. She thought for a second before speaking up. "I have an offering to make. So what if... you buy the street and then sell it to me... anfd for that I won't expect you to pay if you land on any of them for... 3 times! C'mon pleaseee." Miu basically begged them. "Hmm... that's a good offer to be honest..." they said as Miu's eyes sparkled. In the end, they gave in and bought the street to sell it to her.

"Hey! That's not how this game works!" Kokichi complained. "It's called business, cock sucker." Miu said as she rubbed the street into her face. "...sweet sweet money." She whispered. The game went on with all of them trading as well as getting money off of the other people. In the end, Miu won due to the streets being expensive as fuck. Y/n was second place due to the deal they made with Miu. The two guys groaned and complained. "That's literally not fair! You cheated!" Kaito complained. "No I didn't. It was pure and fair business." She defended herself. Just like that, the bell rang. "Woops that's my sign to leave. It was fun playing with you guys." They said as they went back to their classroom.

The lessons continued on until the bell rang, symbolising for the end of the school day. The teacher was still speaking but the students packed everything up. The teacher got angry,"Sit down everyone! *I* end the lesson, not the school bell!" She angrily yelled. Everyone huffed as they sat down and let the teacher finish speaking. "Uhm... Miss... I'm going to miss my bus." One of the students said. The teacher rolled her eyes,"Dont forget to read Chapter 7-10 and do the little presentation for the character you chose! Class dismissed." She said as everyone got their bags and left the classroom.

Miu was chilling on her phone while she waited for them. She had a rested face which she didnt usually have. She looked peaceful and not so annoying until her attitude pops out. Y/n found themselves observing her a bit until they realised how weird it was. "Hey Iruma-san." They greeted her. She looked away from her phone, her facial expression changing. "Hey fl- I mean bitchless. About to be fucking time, I waited for ages!" She complained. "Well the teacher was a bitch and said "I eNd tHe lEsSoNs' and all that teacher stuff." Y/n said as they mocked the teacher. "Hate it when they do it. Like no one fucking cares the bell rang so we are out, for real." Miu stated as they giggled a bit.

"So.. where do you want to go?" Y/n asked. "How the fuck should I know!?" She answered. "Then how are we supposed to hang out together if we dont know where to go??" They asked again as Miu was taken back by them kinda raising their voice. "N-No need to raise your voice like that." She whined. "Fine... maybe we can go to your place this time?" "That's fine by me. I live in the dormitories by the way." They informed her as she nodded. The two of them made their way out of the school building. It was rather quiet so Miu decided to speak up. "So you lived a but further away or sum'?" She asked. "Well a bit. It wasnt that far away but I lived in a shared flat for a couple years now."

"A shared flat? You mean where those kids live together and a couple adults are there to watch them?" She asked as they nodded. "Why that?" "My parents weren't the best and when I reached for child support I was given a place there." They explained. "Oh.. I'm sorry about that." After that it was silent again. None of them said anything. "Did you like... have any siblings?" Miu asked again, trying to break the silence again. "Yeah I have an older sister. But she moved out a while ago to a foreign country." They said as she nodded. "Do you have any siblings?" Y/n asked her. "No, I'm an only child. Sometimes it's lonely but in general I cant really complain. It's pretty fucking awesome that I dont have to share shit or keep an eye out you know." She explained as they nodded.

"What about your parents? Are they out very often? I mean you were home alone when I checked up on you." Y/n asked. Miu fell silent. "I'm sorry if that was personal. You dont have to answer if you dont want to." Y/n quichky apologised. "It's okay. Well my parents are diseased... so yeah. I'm pretty much an orphan." She answered. "Oh I'm really sorry about that." She shook her head,"It's fine. Anyways what was your ultimate title again?" Miu quickly changed the topic. "I'm the Ultimate Ice Scater. And you?" She gasped in shock. "You dont know what my ultimate talent is?! I'm *the* gorgeous girl genius, Miu Iruma! Everyone knows I'm the Ultimate Inventor."

"Ultimate Inventor, huh? To be honest women who do 'men's jobs' are so..." "...hot? I know right." Miu finished the sentence. "I wanted to say cool but that works too." 'Saying hot would've been weird considering the fact that she's still going through a break up. Especially with my closest friend so far. But to be honest it is pretty much hot', they thought to themselves.


Nah but women who do 'men's jobs' are rlly >>>
Omg I love her sm nothing can stop my love for her I rlly want her to be real so that she can be my gf I mean we have exactly half a year birthday difference mkay. Like we are mesnt for each other. She's a Scorpio and I'm a Taurus. 16th May and 16th November. We are soulmates.
A-Anyways😊I hope you liked this amazing chapter with so much lore and so many make out sessions fr /s

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