*Chapter 4*

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The next day, they went to school as usual. It wasnt awkward between Miu and Kaede anymore which made it alot easier for both of them. Before Y/n left the classroom though, Miu walked up to them. "Hey flatty." She said. Y/n turned their attention to her. 'Now I'm "flatty" too? She needs to come up with more nicknames for real...', they thought. "...what is it?" They answered. "Well I uhm wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime. It was fun the last time. Dont think I'm going fucking soft on you or something though." She started in a soft voice which turned harsh in the last sentence.

"Uh yeah sure. Wanna hang out today? I have time." Y/n answered. Miu's eyes lit up,"Fucking amazing! I also have time today. So a deal it is." She said as she laughed afterwards. "See you later flatty." She said as she walked off. "Yep." They just replied as they made their way to their classroom. The long day tried to pass by in the classroom as it felt like they were about to just die in there. It was so boring that their eyes kept closing and closing even more often until they decided to put their head on the desk. It didnt take long for their eyes to shut and they fell asleep in class again.

They were later on woken up by the school bell which signalised the little break in between the 2nd and 3rd period. Y/n moved their head as they looked up, their back and arm feeling like they're about to explode. They sat up to give both of the body parts a rest from the torture. They took out a sandwich which is supposed to be their breakfast. "Yooo asleep as always?" One of their classmates approached them. "Who would I be if I didnt sleep during classes. Not like Hope's Peak cares, luckily enough." They sighed as their classmate laughed. "Well anyways there is someone waiting for you outside of our classroom." She said.

"Did they tell you who they are?" Y/n asked. "No, just that they wanted to talk to you. A short guy with purple hair-" she explained as they immediately knew who it was. They walked to the door in which Kokichi was waiting for them with a huge smile as always. "L/n-chan! It took you long enough!" He complained. "I was just getting my food... anyways what's up?" They asked him as he just smiled. "Well it's just that Kaede is in the murses offices and needs you ASAP." He said as he still had a smile plastered on his face. "What...? You're lying, right?" Y/n stated as the boys expression turned into a disappointed one. "Aw man, you figured it out! Well I actually was sent to get you to hang out with us." He said, this time telling the truth.

"Uhm... who is 'we'?" They asked as Kokichi put his finger on his lips. "That's a huuuge secret. Top secret. Just come along, you're talking too much." He said as he started walkingz expecting Y/n to join them which they decided to do. They walked for a couple minutes until they arrived at the all so familiar classroom. "That's not how you play!" Kaito yelled at the top of his lungs. "Damn no need to yell at me..." Miu whined. Someone brought Monopoly and the two of them got into an argument. Miu didnt want to pay him the money since she needed it for the last house at the street. The two then turned their attention to Y/n. "Ah hello L/n-san!" Kaito greeted them. "Hey flatty!" Miu added.

"Iruma-chan this is the 10th person you call flatty. Cant you come up with something more original? Atleast something else for each person?" Kokichi complained which Y/n could just agree on. "Damn you dont like the nickname 'flatty'? What else am I supposed to fucking call you though!" Miu complained loudly. "I dont know, maybe something other than 'flatty', 'virgin', 'bitch' and 'slut'." They said. "How about... uhm... hmm..." She thought long and hard. "How about bitchless!" She stated proudly. "I'll take it." They said with a sigh.

"Anyways restart the game we are gonna play together." Kokichi said as Miu shook her head,"Hell no! I'm about to get the last house of the most expensive stree-" before she could finish, Kokichi messed the entire board up. "You fucking bitch! Fuck youself! I just told you no!" He rolled his eyes,"And I dont remember caring, cum dumpster. Move." He said as he took a chair and sat down too. "C-Cum dumpster??" She whined, as always. "Okay L/n-chan, join us and let's play for oh dear life." He said as she smiled evilly.


Hello gay people
Hello Miu stans
Hello Miu kinnies
Hello Miu simps
I have alrised from my sleep
And I'm ready to feed you with a chapter
Idk take it

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