Why yandere hero's party x Male reader pt2

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Your pov

I was standing in shock but I soon regain myself as I pushed her off me as I said

(R/N): I can't forgive you Beatrix but I don't hate you please leave.

Beatrix: w-why please forgive me I beg of you!! 

(R/N): I can't bring myself to do so you can't just bring back all those years. I COULD HAVE DIED, BEEN SOLD INTO SLAVERY!! EVEN STARVE TO DEATH!

Beatrix pov

I was fumbling with my hair at least he doesn't hate me but he still won't forgive but at least  I'm making progress soon very soon I'll have you, my dear brother I just have to wait and keep pushing I know I'll have chef Ron make you travel with me and the others... But he is right I can't bring back all those years but I can make up for them.

Beatrix: Alright baby brother I'll give you some time to think... But please remember I'm doing this for us not for the people not for fame just for me and you.

Your pov

I watched as Beatrix slowly walked but then I saw a twisted smile form on her face as she turned to me and with an inhumane speed I was on the ground she is on top of me as she began to chant a spell I try to struggle out but to no avail. She then uses her foot to close the door.

(R/N): Beatrix s-stop what are you doing!

I then heard her say with a twisted smile

Beatrix: Don't worry my love soon you will forget all about the past and after that, we can be together no one I mean NO ONE WILL HAVE YOU YOU'LL BE MINE!! YOUR MINE YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN MINE!!..hehe... HAHAHA!! I love you! my love! I love you! I love you!.

my vision began to fade as I saw her face her eyes were blank not even showing my reflection her smile was a twisted grin her beautiful face distorted that's the last thing I saw before my eyelids close.

Beatrix pov

It worked when he's awake he'll never want to leave my side after all I'm the sister that protected him all his life the sister almost got sold into slavery to protect him even if it's fake for me to him it's real and he'll love me forever.

Time skip your sister called chef Ron and told him you had fallen ill and collapsed

Your pov

When I open my eyes I was met by my sister and chef Ron I then heard Beatrix say 

Beatrix: (R/N) are you ok?!! I found you passed out on the floor I'm so worried!
 she then hugged me as I hugged back and said.

(R/N): It's ok big sis I feel better now.

I saw chef Ron gain a shocked face as he said

Ron: what! you and the bow heroine are related and you never told me!

(R/N): Sorry dad I guess I was a bit mad at her for... I can't remember but-

I was cut off by Beatrix hugging harder 

Beatrix pov

That was too close I heard (R/N) let out a gasp of pain as I let go and said

Beatrix: Sorry about that I just miss my little brother may you please excuse us Chef Ron he said

Ron: Ok but why was he mad at you?

I looked at him and said

Beatrix: Sorry but I don't wish to speak of it... It was horrible.

I heard him apologizing as he left. I then turned to my beloved as I pushed him down to the bed I slowly licked his face he tried to resist but I told him some lies about this and changed his memories.

Beatrix: Don't you remember darling we use to do this quite a lot so please don't resist but embrace this.

I saw him slowly letting down his guard.

Time skip she took your  virginity as you took hers 

(A/N): Honestly, she could have requested you as her reward for just being part of the hero's party lol

After our little lovemaking I had a huge blush on my face as I began to spoon him on the bed I bit his ear and ask him if he would like to travel with me and the other heroes.

(A): go will continue the story and you'll have the other girls as a yandere haram.

(B): stay you'll live your life with Beatrix and I won't be able to milk this story because I idk what to write lol.

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