The end before the beginning

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Your POV:

You were doing your morning routine, feeding the horses and cleaning. You were mopping the floors while Eren was cleaning the windows. "Hey, Eren, you missed a spot," you said as he replied, "Huh, where?" You pointed to a dirty window, and you heard Eren curse under his breath. You laughed and said, "Better clean it well or the captain will beat your ass again." Eren responded, "Hey, I'm doing my best!"

"Eren, quiet! The captain is coming," you said as he shut his mouth. "Captain Levi, what are you doing here?" you asked.

Levi's POV:

"Hey, brats, quit talking and get back to work," he said with a stoic face. I watched as the two brats hurried back to work. As I walked out, I said, "If I can't see my reflection on the floor, you'll clean it with your tongue."

Eren's POV:

Y/n and I quickly got back to work as the captain left. I called out to y/n and said, "The captain is scary." Y/n slowly nodded, and I heard y/n ask me about Mikasa. It was weird; he asked, "Why don't you like Mikasa treating you like a brother?" I laughed and said, "Like a brother? She treats me like a kid who just learned to walk." I heard him holding back his laughter, sighed, and got back to work.

Your POV:

Holding back my laughter, I said, "Well, looks like I'm done here. What about you, Eren?" I saw the windows clean and thought to myself that he must have left already. I went to the ranch where I saw Jean, gave a friendly wave, and continued my chores. After feeding and giving water to the horses, I left and ran into Mikasa.

"Oh hi, Mikasa. What are you doing?" I asked, but she walked past me, which shocked me. I ran after her and said, "Mika, wait up!" She stopped in an alley with only one entrance and exit.

Mikasa's POV:

Hmmm, "Mika," he hasn't called me that since we were children. He looks as perfect as ever. I could just pin him to the wall and have my way with him. But I'll have to wait until we're out of the wall, then I can have him to myself. He looked at me out of breath as I walked over to him and said, "Why did you follow me here?" in a monotone voice. He just laughed and said, "Because I wanted to hug you." I blushed a little and said, "Okay."

Your POV:

I went and hugged her, but due to her strength, the hug kinda hurt my back. Still, I didn't mind.

Small time skip to the mission.

Still, your POV:

I was being chased by five fifteen-meter abnormal titans, panicking, but someone had other plans in mind. Mikasa ziplined down and grabbed me. "Thanks, Mika. I owe you one," I said, but she didn't utter a word. "Mikasa?" I questioned as she threw me to the ground and said, "Strip the OMD gear off," which shocked me. "Huh!? Why did you do that?" I asked as she pointed a blade to my neck.

Mikasa's POV:

I had the blade to his neck, making him panic. He pleaded, "I needed that! I can't... I-I need the gear!" Annoyed, I cut it off, forced him to the ground, and smiled, saying, "You're now mine after months of planning and getting rid of rivals. You're now mine, mine, and MINE alone," I declared as I laughed at the shock on his face, kissing him and smiling.

Yandere x Male readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz