You Only Need ME! semi-Yandere Friend X Male Reader

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Note:The picture is a bit suspenseful. 

Ashley pov 

I was running to school because I overslept. While running, I bumped into a boy who was running in the opposite direction. I saw him immediately get up and pick me up and say, "Run." I ran. When I looked back, they were dogs chasing us. We got to safety. As the boy apologized, I said, "It was ok." I asked for his name, and he said his name is (r/n). As I said,Ashley, nice to meet you. He nodded as I said, This is """the start of a beautiful friendship.". 

Major time skip to college. You and Ashley became inseparable. 

Your pov 

I was talking to Ashley she looks as beautiful as ever too bad she has a boyfriend but hey I need to be happy for her after all we've been friends for five years, I saw her boyfriend walking up to us as I greeted him with a friendly wave as he said" don't wave at me you just want to get in my girls pants" you look at Ashley as she looked away wow she wouldn't even help me out you thought as you said" listen here you go damn unwashed dog I don't have to time for your shit I just want to have a peaceful conversation with my friend" he got angry and try to punch me as Ashley grab his hand and he said" don't you dare touch him I let you talk to him as rude as you want to but if you even touch a hair on his head I'll kill you" He looked pissed as he said, " I'm your boyfriend, not him; we've been dating for almost a year now." "He's been my loyal friend for five ! years now," she said as you looked at her with a happy face as she grabbed your ears and dragged you off. 

Ashley pov 

I was dragging myself away as I apologized for my boyfriend's action. As he said it was ok, I heard him say, "Oh, I wanted to tell you I made a new friend." After he said that, I got pissed and asked, "Who?" 

He said it was a girl from his class. I pinned him to the wall and asked, "Am I not enough for you?" I heard him say, "Yes, but I want a girlfriend. I've never had a girlfriend, and I haven't even lost my first kiss yet. You've lost your first kiss to Joseph. I cut him off and said, "You don't need a girlfriend; you only need me. I may not see you as a love interest, but I still have to protect  you." I heard him say, "That's the problem. I see you as a love interest." I was surprised, but then as I heard him say, "That was until I saw you have a boyfriend. Sometimes I get jealous of him, but that doesn't matter right now. I've been trying to fall out of love with you; that's why I'm making this decision myself," he said as he left. I was still trying to process what I just heard: he sees me as a love interest, but I don't see him that way, so that's the reason I guess if he needs time away from me, I can only leave him be. 

Your pov 

As much as you feel guilty for telling her dose things, it was for the best because there is no point in letting my emotions bottled up. It's better this way. As I went to the meeting spot, my new friend showed up. She looked gorgeous as you said,"You look beautiful." She chuckled and said, You look handsome." She blushed and said, "T-thank you." She got closer to you and said,Your so adorable.You said,I'm not a pet.She laughed and said,It looks like I might just take you from Ashley. After all, she has her boyfriend and you have no one. So what do you say? Will you go on a date with me so"""I can st"eal you away from Ashley and make you mine? 

Ashley pov 

I followed him because I needed to protect him. After I heard what that girl said, I was going to intervene, but I saw (r/n) nod his head. Yes, I was in complete shock. He doesn't need her; he only needs me. I need to protect him. I was panicking. "No, no, no!!" I screamed in my head. I heard my phone ringing as I checked and saw my boyfriend's message asking me on a date. I accepted because it was the place where (r/n) and that witch were going. 

Time skips after the date. 

Your pov 

Jen was going to kiss me. I was blushing as our lips nearly connected. Ashley intervened and said, Oh, what were you two doing? I was a little annoyed as Jen said, We were going to kiss until you intervene""." I saw Ashley smile but hide it and say, C'mon (r/n) we have to go" in a serious tone as you said, Sorry Jan, I have to leave." Jan grabbed your hand and said, "You're letting her control your life. She has a boyfriend. I think you should move on and be with me. Someone who will love you." You saw Ashley getting angrier and angrier as you said, "I'm sorry, Jan, but he's been my friend since I was a child. As you and Ashley leave, you are terrified of her when she's like this. 

Ashley pov 

I grabbed him by his hand and aggressively pulled him to my home after we reach I pushed him to the ground and get on him I said" so you were trying to leave me and go with her I'm disappointed in you I truly am but that doesn't matter because now I can truly show you how I feel" I forceful kissed him making sure to enjoy taking his first kiss and making him remember I began to bit his lips wanting access to his mouth but he refused to let me so I force my tongue into his mouth he was getting lost in the pleasure he was letting me explore every inch of his mouth when I finish he was a blushing mess I keep going making him an addict to me as I said in a calm voice "don't worry darling I'll protect and love you more and anyone". I later broke up with Joseph because he never loved me. 

Note: I got a little lazy at the end, and she went full yandere because she snapped at you because you went on that date. 

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