Pale Night Yandere Ghost X Male Reader

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Your Pov
As a horror writer, you were looking for new writing material, so you decided to research a family murder that occurred in the past. In your opinion, the story was boring and generic, but it is based on a true story. You begin your research at the scene of the murder, so you can write about its atmosphere more realistically. but when you entered that inside looked untouched which was unexpected because the outside looked old and decrepit you wander around the house which was bigger than it looked you heard a strange scratching noise you know this was stupid so you just slowly walked to the door and slowly reached for the door handle when you open up it nothing was there but you still heard the noise but it was closer this time you quickly close the door with a cold sweat and said what the hell was that you shake your head and continue but you still heard the scratching.

??? Pov
I saw a boy walking around my home without my permission which was annoying, he was writing in a book I went up and got a good look at his face he seems nervous I heard him say that's enough for today it's getting dark and I saw him leave I wanted to follow him but I could not damn it I said annoyed.

Your pov
I got home and started to work on my book but I had a strange feeling to go back to the house I tried to sleep it off but it didn't work I decided to go back to the house it looked like a scene in a horror movie you man up and enter

??? Pov
I heard my door open as I saw that same boy from this morning most people would have stayed away from this place but he did not intriguing I went up to him I was watching him he looked so perfect and I wanted him to be mine like my dad said you have to take what's yours.

Your pov
A shiver run down my skin I felt like someone or something was watching me.

??? Pov
I decided to show myself to him which shocked him as I smile and said hi darling.

Your pov
I was walking around until something that only ever happens in a horror movie occurred a ghost appear as I fell to the ground in shock I heard her say hi darling wait darling- I was cut off by her she put a finger to my mouth it was cold colder than ice I heard her say to be quite my body was paralyzed with fear I wanted to run and scream she said her name was snow and she said that I'm now her husband I was in complete shock.

Snow pov
I saw the look on his face when I said that it looked so adorable I tackled him to the ground with a smile I felt him trying to escape I wouldn't allow it I grab him and pull him back to the ground.

Your pov
I was trying to escape this woman but she won't move I use all my strength but still fail she looked cute but she was covered in blood it was disturbing, to say the least, she was smiling at you you had to be honest with your self she looks adorable but she felt cold as ice it felt like you would freeze to death.

Snow pov
I saw him slowly closing his eyes which were perfect as a sadist smile formed on my face and I said we'll be together forever.

Your pov
Well I'm trapped with a sadist ghost I heard her calling out to me, oh no you had a face of terror hey me for outside the screen help me!!

Snow pov
I was having dinner with my family it was just a normal day for us I saw my dad working while eating, my sister in her books, and my mom just eating. After I finish I went to my room where was my slave that I tournament for the fun of it I love to watch him struggle to grab onto life just the look on his face just makes me so happy knowing that he's trying to say alive for me.

Yandere x Male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang