Piper looks at her boyfriend and smiles happily.

Both of the parents are thrilled of how amazing the relationship has been going since dancemania as it has been getting stronger everyday.

Finn gets out of his seat and walks into the kitchen and refills his cup of tea, then he turns over and sees Deborah entering in the kitchen. Probably to see how Finn is.

"Hi sweetheart, you doing okay?" She says and rests her hand on his shoulder.

He nodded.

"Yeah I'm doing good, I think both of the families coming over made her stress out more because both coming made her realise that our relationship actually real now." Finn says.

"You know, I remember when I was in high school I didn't think high school relationships would work, but seeing both of you tonight made me realise I never want to see you apart because I've never seen her look the way she looks at you." She admits honestly.

Finn smiles at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I always said that to myself, but when I met Piper everything changed, Piper is my world and she means everything to me. I'm so proud of her." He said appreciative.

Deborah looks at him in awe as she's never fully seen his daughters boyfriend say something like that about her.

Back in the living room, Finn's mom is chatting away of how much he talks about Piper to her.

"Is he treating you well? Cause I know that boy can be a lot sometimes." She chuckles.

Piper closes her eyes and smiles joyfully.

"Yeah he is."

"The best boyfriend ever." Piper says.

Finn's mom giggles. "He always talks about how amazing you are and he is right your so beautiful."

"Thank you." Piper tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

It means a lot from her to say that to her.

Then she finally knows why she likes him so much.

He's a keeper.

"Keep her forever Finn, I know how much she means to you." She smiles.

Finn chuckles as she wraps her arms around him and he walks back into the living room with his family, Piper's family and his girlfriend.

Later that evening, Finn is cuddling with Piper in her bedroom getting some alone time for the first time tonight.

"Finally I actually get to spend time with you." Finn moves closer to her and kisses her lips softly as he plays with the ends of her hair.

She nodded.

"Yeah I was talking with your mom earlier, she says you talk all the time about me." Piper laughs.

Finn rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"But I am so grateful that we've been stronger since dancemania."

"I can't wait to go on that date next week with you." Piper smiles.

"Same, but for the meantime why don't we go for a drive?" Finn stands up and holds his hand out to Piper.

"Right now?"

Finn nodded.

Piper took his hand as they made their way downstairs and in his car.

Both of them got in the car and Finn started the car as he drove through Toronto as he held Piper's hand on the console as the other on the steering wheel.

"You know, I'm proud of us." Finn blurted out.

"Same. I nearly thought we were going to break up at dancemania, but I'm glad we made it work again.

Finn turned to his girlfriend and kissed her hand.

"I know this relationship wont be easy but at least we're honest with each other and we'll be fine. But I know we're going to be together forever." Finn looks at her.

Piper smiles and nodded.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

Finn leant across the console and kissed her softly and he could feel her smile during the kiss, he was forever grateful for Piper. Dancemania changed their relationship forever.

ahhh this is soo badd! Anyways I still haven't recovered from ep 16 I cant believe im not gonna see my babies anymore I sobbed so hard. I love and miss them so much and will remember them forever.

Pinn Oneshots🤍Where stories live. Discover now