
As soon as he bit the chicken, a crunchy sound came out. The juice trapped inside the thin batter burst out. It was salty, savory, and had a deep flavor.

'It has pepper in it.'

It was his first time tasting a dish like this.

'Is it possible to cook chicken like this?!'

This cooking ability is undoubtedly something he had never known. Way couldn't make this dish. He thought he was lacking research, and he had been too arrogant.

Way bowed his head down.

"I lost."

He thought Luana would not be serious about cooking because she was a royal. But all of that was just an illusion. This woman must have had a deep heart for cooking, just like him.

"I forgot that there's no difference in status in the world of cooking."

Luana was a little taken aback by the sincere apology. The chicken was not a creative dish. In the world where she lived, there were numerous cooking recipes. With a little effort, it wasn't hard to figure it out.

"It's okay. I just cook to enjoy myself. It's not that serious."

"That's the key to making this kind of dish."

This man was as severe and complex as his first impression. Luana thought he would react like this no matter what she said.

"I will do my best to learn from you. And since I lost, I'll take whatever punishment."

"I have no intention to punish you."

She thought this person misunderstood something. Luana sighed and slapped Way on the back.

"Straighten your back first! And there are no punishment!"

"But to a royal,"

"Stop! If there's something that bothers you, teach me."

"You mean cooking?"

"Yes, I actually don't know what Imperial cuisine is like."

Except for the dishes made by her nanny, Luana didn't know anything about the cuisine of this world. So she thought it would be good to learn more from this opportunity.

"I'd be happy to teach you. And if possible, can I learn how to cook from the princess?"

"Call me Luana. I'll teach you if you don't mind."

"Thank you, Miss Luana."

When it ended so peacefully, the chefs applauded. The butler who was sitting on the judging panel also joined the celebration. So the sudden cooking contest ended in a friendly way.

"No, I didn't even tell you the results of the contest."

Later, Lugard complained, but Henry shrugged and replied.

"But they already understood each other. It ended peacefully."

"That's true."

"And we even ate delicious dishes, right?"

Henry picked up his fork and put it in the chicken as he smiled with satisfaction.


After everything was over, the butler headed to the duke's office. Due to the duke's long absence from the mansion, his work was pushed back. Because of that, the duke was working nonstop.

Even after the butler entered, the Duke's hand holding the pen did not stop.

"It ended well."

"I see."

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