Luz looks at Amity with a devious grin. "Oh yeah? Well, I love you more." She teases, her hand making its way around Amity's waist. Amity gives her an offended look. "Um, no. I. love YOU more."

Luz chuckles. "Okay, but I love you most."

"YOU CHEEKY LITTLE-!" Amity smacks her girlfriend's chest, while Luz bursts out into laughter. "You walked right into that one, Sweet Potato."

"That doesn't- LUZ!" Amity whines softly in embarrassment, nuzzling her face into Luz's neck.

Silence for a few moments.

"How much do you love me...?" Amity mumbles, just loud enough for Luz to hear her. Luz doesn't even take a moment to think about it. "I wanna marry you someday."

This catches the purple-haired witch off guard. Slowly, she looks up at Luz. Luz glances back at her. "I know it's still pretty far off for us, but I DO hope to one day... If that's what you want, of course." Luz explains, a faint pink dusting her cheeks once more. Amity hugs her tight. "Absolutely! The thought of being with you like that... makes me happy."

Luz smiles, pulling her close. "Then it's a promise." She says, holding her pinky out to Amity. The two lock in the Pinky Promise, and Amity slowly stands up. "We might want to get going soon." she says, dusting off her dress. Luz stands up as well. "Agreed, but first..." She agrees, then pulls Amity in for a deep kiss, which the purple-haired witch returns. They only pull away when they hear a small buzzing noise coming from Amity's scroll. The two whine as the girl checks it, finding a call from her older sister.

"I know, I know. We're on our way now. Don't worry, we'll be there." Amity says a few moments before hanging up, looking over at her girlfriend. "Emira says that everyone is waiting for us at the restaurant. We should go now." She says, Luz nods in agreement as the two start walking. "How much you wanna bet that Eda and them aren't there yet?" Luz asks, jokingly. Amity giggles in response, and the two of them head down the hill towards the city.

~The Next Day~

Luz wakes up in the Owl House that morning, whining as she hears her alarm go off. She feels King toss and turn at her feet, muttering for her to turn it off, and she does. Just when sleep was about to take her yet again, Eda knocked on her door. "Kid? You awake yet?"

Luz groans again. "No..." she says. "That sounds like a yes to me. I'm coming in." Eda says, before walking inside the room. Luz curls up into her sleeping bag, not wanting to be up and at em' at that moment.

"Hey, Kid. Get up. I got a present for you." Eda says, pulling Luz out of the sleeping bag. Luz whines. "Nooooo... Just, like, five more minutes..." Luz says, resisting Eda's efforts to wake her up. Eda sighs before finally deciding to just shake the 14-year-old. Luz laughs lightly, stopping Eda. "Okay, Okay, I'm awake."

"Bout time! Get dressed and come downstairs. I got something special for ya!" Eda says, leaving before Luz could ask any questions. Luz gets dressed in a white undershirt with Eda's varsity sweater and a pair of jeans. Going downstairs, she finds Eda in the living room holding a suitcase-looking thing. "Are you ready, kid?" Eda asks. Luz nods. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess." Luz answers, a bit confused on what's going on.

Eda sets the suitcase on the ground, and it unfolds into a door with a mysterious golden eye on it. Luz's eyes go wide in shock. "Eda, is this...?"

"Your ticket back to the Human Realm? Yup." Eda says, holding up a key with a matching golden eye, though this eye had been cracked, and there seemed to be a blue liquid behind the glass. "You can go back, see your mom and..." Eda pauses, "...negotiate your living situation if you want."

Luz nods. "I would like to stay on the isles, but I'm not sure if my mom will understand." Luz says. "And how do I even bring that up to her? I love it here and Bonesborough feels so much like home to me, but I know she wanted me to stay in the Human Realm if I ever made it back." Luz thinks. Eda crouches down to Luz's level, putting her hands on the teenage girl's shoulders. "Listen to me, Kid. I know you want to make your mother happy and all, but there are going to be times in your life where YOUR happiness needs to be your first priority." Eda begins, and Luz listens intently. "Now don't get me wrong. I'm not just saying this because I, as well as King, want you to stay." She holds a finger in the air. "I'm saying this because I know you like helping others and making people happy. But sometimes, you need to take a step back and worry about yourself. You won't be able to help anyone be happy if you yourself aren't happy. Get what I mean?"

Luz nods, hugging Eda tightly. "I get it, Eda. I'll have a talk with my mom, and hopefully I'll see you soon."

Eda hands Luz the key and Luz opens the portal door. A bright white light shines in the room, Luz covers her eyes for a moment before stepping inside.

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