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Alice had thought that Maria would be jumping with joy when they returned. She had never imagined that her friend would look miserable than ever. 

To make matter worse, the twins too were not acting like themselves. Mike suddenly developed a stammering problem, and Charlie seemed to have vowed not to sit down.

It had almost been an hour since Alice and Maria had returned from the hospital, and by now her ghost squad's sudden change in behaviour caught the attention of Knave and Mendaline.

"Is something wrong, guys?" Alice finally asked out of fear that if she did not, Mendaline would do something which might not be the best way to know.

They were all sitting around in a small circle, and Alice was suddenly reminded of the times she and her ghost squad used to sit around in her room in the same manner, playing duck, duck, goose.

 Alice realized just how lucky she was to have her ghost squad during the darkest time of her life. If had it not been for them, she wouldn't be sitting here today.

"Thank you for addressing the elephant in the room!" Mendaline said, looking at Alice.

"And since when do you stammer, Mike?" Knave added.

"I...I wh..what?" Mike asked. Charlie, who was floating behind his brother anxiously, palmed his face.

"That!" Knave replied.

Mendaline shot Maria a look. "Was seeing your sister that traumatic?"

"That is not the case." Maria replied in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

"Then what is?" Mendaline asked impatiently. She closed her eyes, looking annoyed. "And for heaven's sake Charlie, sit down or I will make you!"

That seemed to do the trick. Charlie instantly took a seat next to his brother. Mike and Maria shared a look.

"We realized we have to go!" Maria informed.

Alice's heart hammered loudly against her chest, threatening to break free. "Go where?" 

"We...we gho....ghost..," Mike began, but broke off as if he had forgotten how to speak.

Alice was shocked to the core. She had never seen Mike so lost or worried before. She stood up and went to sit next to him, putting her hand atop his. 

"Mike, it is okay!" Alice said in what she hoped was a soothing voice.

"Alice, you know why people become ghosts after they die, don't you?" Maria asked.

Alice nodded. "Because they have unfulfilled wishes or desires."

"Exactly," Maria agreed. "And do you remember what ours were?"

Of course Alice remembered. "Your wish was to see your sister lead a good life," She said. "And Mike and Charlie's wish, at first, was to live their best life, and then to see me happy!"

Maria gave a sad smile. "And it's all fulfilled!" She did not have to add anything more.

Their wishes were fulfilled, which meant they would finally find their peace and move on to the next world. Which meant that....,

"We will no longer be able to be with you all." Charlie finally said. He had his head down, unable to look at anyone.

Alice had begun to shake her head. She went back on her ankles, and fell into a pair of arms. At some point, Knave had come to sit behind her and was trying to hold her up.

"There has to be some way!" Alice cried. " can't!" She shouted. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU ALL TOO!" 

Alice turned towards Mendaline desperately. The witch's face looked like it was carved out of stone. She had gone so still, that it was hard to believe she was alive.

"Maybe if we could combine our powers and...," Alice broke off. Combine powers, and then what?

As if from somewhere far away, she heard Knave's voice. "Alice, take deep breaths!" His voice sounded urgent.

Was he talking to her? Alice could not tell. It was as if her mind had stopped processing everything. She suddenly felt queasy.

Alice felt arms around her. She closed her eyes and saw a strange yellow light which grew bigger and bigger, until there was nothing except darkness.


Alice knew that voice. Only one person's voice made her heart leap with joy. She opened her eyes, and as she had expected, found her father's ghost floating in front of her.

"Papa!" Alice cried out, before throwing herself into his arms. After a few minutes, she broke the hug and looked around, sucking a breath as she took in what she was seeing.

Alice stood in a field of daisies. The sky overhead was so blue and clear that she knew was impossible in the world she lived in. A sweet intoxicating smell filled the air, which made her close her eyes and inhale deeply.

"Am I in heaven?" Alice wondered aloud, as she opened her eyes.

Her father chuckled. "Just think of it as a place between life and death."

Alice nodded, satisfied. Then, she realized she was hanging between life and death and was somehow not at all scared or worried. All she felt was curiosity.

Alice turned to face her father. "So I'm dying?" She asked calmly.

Her father shook his head. "No," He replied. "But there was something you had to see for yourself to make some decisions." He smiled. "Do you like it here?"

"Like it?" Alice asked. "I love it!" She gave a little twirl, suddenly feeling like a little girl again. Or maybe it was the presence of her father that made her feel so carefree.

"Wouldn't you want your friends to feel this happy too?" Evan asked. "To be in a place far better than this?"

"I want nothing but the best for my ghost squad," Alice said. "But I also cannot live in a world without them!"

Alice supposed she should be crying, screaming, begging her father for help, but she could not feel any pain or sadness. Instead, a strange type of calmness had engulfed her.

"Why am I not upset?" Alice voiced her thoughts.

"It's because you are incapable of having any negative feelings here!" Her father informed. He looked at his daughter. "Don't you want your friends to feel the way you are now, perhaps even more happier?" Evan questioned. "Wouldn't you want them to finally get their rest after so many years of suffering?"

Alice wanted to smack herself. What was she thinking? She was about to snatch away the happiness of the people she cared about the most, just because of her selfishness. Her ghost squad deserved happiness and she would make sure they got it.

"Thank you for stopping me from taking the wrong step, Papa!" She said, hugging him again.

Evan gently pulled her away, making her face him. "I will always be there to guide you, my daughter!"

Alice felt hopeful. "Does that mean I will see you again?"

Evan smiled wistfully. "I wish I knew!" He said. "Seeing you finally free from Cora's clutches has freed me too. Yet, no one knows what lies on the other side!" Alice looked down. She knew she would be disheartened if she were in the real world. 

Evan raised her chin, making her look at him again. "But whenever you want to find me," He pointed at her heart. "Look here!"

The last thing Alice remembered seeing was her father's smile, and then she was surrounded by a white light.

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