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Alice remained on her knees, desperately trying to think of anything that would determine Tristan was not Cora's power source. She found nothing. Every piece in the puzzle fit perfectly, and for the first time in her life, Alice was not happy with what her puzzle had formed.

Alice put her head in her hand. What should she do? If she did not sacrifice Tristan, Cora might kill them all, and now that she had fully healed there was no stopping her.

 Alice struck her hand hard on the ground. The pain was unbearable but she deserved it for healing a monster like Cora. She hit her hand hard again. This time, she bled.

"ALICE!" Knave shouted. He rushed towards her and took her hand in his. "What the heck do you think you're doing?" He produced a small handkerchief from his jacket and began to tie it on her wound.

Alice remained how she was, staring into the distance. Her wound was still a small punishment for what horror she had unleashed.

Knave cupped her face. "Alice, my love, look at me," He said gently. "What happened?" 

Alice looked at him. His face was a mask of fear. Distantly, she realized she must be looking devastated to bring out such a reaction from him. She tried to speak but her words got caught in her throat. "C...Cor..," She broke off and buried her head in his chest, crying uncontrollably.

Knave patted her head. "Alice, I know I was angry with you, but it was not because you healed Cora." He assured. "Please don't punish yourself like this!"

Alice shook her head. She looked up at him. "My father came...came to me!" She said, in between sobs.

Knave looked shocked. "As a ghost?" 

Alice nodded. "He...," She licked her lips and tried again. "He told me the only way to destroy Cora is to sacrifice someone I love!"

Knave looked horrified. "Which means Cora's power source is in someone?" Alice nodded. "Who?" He asked, looking impatient.

"Tristan!" Alice said, before burying her face in his chest again. Knave rocked back on his heels, but held on to her.

"Say what now?" Said a voice. 

Alice looked up to find Mendaline staring at both of them in horror.

"What makes you so sure that Tristan is Cora's power source?" Asked Mendaline.

They were all gathered in Mendaline's cave, as Knave explained all that had happened. 

Alice remained sitting next to Knave, unable to speak. The twins sat either side of her. Maria had settled across from her, looking exactly how Alice felt, miserable.

Alice looked at Mendaline. "You...," She broke off.

 Charlie held Alice's hand, while Knave laid a gentle hand on her back. However, nothing could comfort her. 

Mendaline patiently waited, as Alice tried again. "You told me that I could only touch ghosts if I had dealt with Cora's power source or sucked her blood," Mendaline nodded. "And I sucked Tristan's blood!" Alice said, remembering how she had sucked his finger when he had accidentally cut himself with the dagger, the day she had broken Knave's curse.

"Oookay," Mendaline looked unsure. "But why would you?" 

"He had cut himself and...., and that was the first thing that came to my mind." Alice explained.

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