Start from the beginning

"Which is why your friend is in the hospital." Birgitta pointed out.

 Alice had to say, the woman was sassy. She heard Maria chuckle and was glad that her stupidity was of some use.

"So which hospital?" Birgitta asked.

"St. Thomas Hospital?" Alice asked.

"That's almost at the other side of town!" Birgitta gave a heavy sigh. "But since you're alone at this time of the night, I have no choice but to take you. It's not safe these days." She gave Alice a look. "Where are your parents, missy?"

'Dead!' Alice thought. "They're waiting for me at the hospital." She lied.

Birgitta nodded as if that made perfect sense. "Well, at least I won't have to worry about how you'd get home." She indicated her yellow taxi. "Come along then, we have a long way to go!"

Alice settled herself in the backseat of the taxi, which smelled like leather and cigarettes. She looked at Maria, who was seated next to her.

"She smokes when tensed." Maria informed, looking a bit ashamed. Alice shook her head, letting her know that it was fine.

"You're very kind Ma'am, doing so much for a girl you barely know." Alice acknowledged.

Birgitta looked at Alice from the rear-view mirror. "That's not what I get to hear from my kids."

"You have kids?" Alice asked, surprised.

Birgitta laughed for a good while before answering. "I have grandkids, missy!" She informed. Alice looked at Maria for reassurance, but her friend's gaze was stuck on her sister.

"But I know what misled you," Birgitta continued, racing past a red light. "I have maintained myself so well you would think that I'm still in my sweet sixteen!"

Alice had been wrong to think that Knave was self-obsessed. Birgitta surpassed him. However, Alice couldn't help but admire her. Where Maria was careful, composed, kind and shy, Birgitta was confident, bold and positively reckless. If that was a thing.

"You've grown quiet!" Birgitta observed.

"I was just thinking." Alice replied.

"If you're thinking about your friend, I'm sure she'll be okay!" Birgitta assured.

"I know she will!" Alice said, looking at Maria, who took Alice's hand in hers.

"If I may ask Ma'am, how many kids do you have?" Alice asked.

"You may not ask!" Birgitta replied, finally stopping for a red light, letting Alice know she did follow rules when she wanted to.

Alice looked tensely at Maria who said, "She is just joking."

"I was just joking!" Said Birgitta at the same time. Alice smiled. "I have three kids and two grandkids, both twins," Birgitta informed. "My daughter, who is the eldest and the mother of those two devilish twins, is one of the top lawyers in London!" She said, with pride in her eyes. "And my other two sons are pretty much useless." Birgitta laughed. "So much for having sons!"

Alice let a minute pass before asking, "And your husband, Ma'am?"

"Oh, I am not married, dear." Birgitta casually informed. 

Alice waited for either her or Maria to tell her that she was joking. When no one did, Alice turned to look at Maria for reassurance the second time.

"I would make sure she had a husband If I were there!" Maria said. Alice nodded, knowing she would.

"Still think highly of me?" Birgitta asked.

Alice did not miss the sarcasm. "I am sure you had your reasons." She replied. The truth was that despite what Birgitta told her, she was not disgusted. She knew that a clever woman like Birgitta, despite how reckless, had reasons.

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