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The next morning, both their voices were a little hoarse, but it went away in the afternoon. In the calm after the storm, they set up for Yui's concert. The atmosphere was serene, neither gloomy nor anxious.

Yui's face smiled back at them from her photos in the shrine. Although it would be just the two of them, they dressed in nice clothes and Jirou put on a little make up. Before starting, she kneeled down to give a small speech. Kaminari kneeled beside her, one arm around her waist and the other holding her hand.

"My dear Yui, I still really miss you. I will for the rest of my life. You're the one person who has always been at my side. You'd always encourage me and make me smile. For a long time after you passed away, I couldn't smile anymore. Laughing and enjoying myself without you seemed so unfair. I wanted to tribute a song to you, to say all the things I've been trying to get out all these years, but couldn't put into words." She wiped away a stray tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"Time is a funny thing. It seems like just yesterday we were kids running around together. I really... I really wish I could have been there for you when you needed me. Now I've realized that it's no ones fault. I guess there really can be a silver lining to things, and I've been able to learn recently that I shouldn't play music just for myself. That's what I was doing wrong. I swear- I never meant to abandon you." More tears slid down her face and she pulled a tissue out of a box they placed nearby. Kaminari rubbed her back.

"So this song, it's also a declaration. Instead of abandoning music, I've decided to play for the people I love. For you, for mom and dad, and for Denki. Life can be too short, too fleeting, too unpredictable. I'm not that good with words, but with my music, I hope I can at least be honest with my feelings and not let anything go unsaid." She smiled, streaks of tears glistening on her face, and looked over to Kaminari. He nodded and gave her a smile, then said a few words of her own.

"I wish I could have met you, but hopefully I'll get to know you by knowing Kyouka. I swear on my life I'll protect her and keep her happy. I know you'd be so proud of your older sister. I really love her, and I'm glad she has such a loving family. Please listen to our song, I hope it brings you happiness." They nodded at each other then got up to get to their instruments, Jirou on the piano and Kaminari at the guitar.

Jirou felt a swelling in her heart as she began to play. This felt more genuine than words ever could to her. The song wasn't slow or sad, it was lively. It was like catching butterflies in a net and watching them spread their colorful wings as they flew off in front of your face. There was a beauty in remembering Yui as herself, alive and happy.

Towards the tail end of the song, their notes slowed down and faded to a piano solo. This was an excerpt from Yui's favorite piano piece. Jirou had remembered it purely because she heard her sister play it so much. A smile danced on her lips as she played the last, lingering note. It was done.

A few weeks had passed since the back to back concerts and ever since, there was a spring in Jirou's step that brought excitement into her world. Today, however, she felt more uneasy than usual. She had to make a trip to the store before heading out for work, and hadn't had time, or rather the willpower, to do what needed to be done. Until now.

Standing in front of her bathroom sink, she braced herself on the counter and tried to focus on breathing steadily. The world was spinning but she wasn't sure if that was just a trick her mind was playing on her body or the other way around. She never missed her period. She was never late. Until now.

She had been on birth control for years to help regulate her hormones, so she told Kaminari to not use a condom. But the pregnancy test on the counter in front of her was positive. The one next to it was positive too.

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