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Jirou was on her way to work when she got a text from Kaminari. He wanted to call her. She was just on the bus, so she called him. They had been talking frequently over the past day, so it wasn't unusual.

Jirou, "Hey, what's up?"

Kaminari, "Hey, are you on your way to work?"

Jirou, "Yeah."

Kaminari, "Do you have to work on the 26th?"

Jirou, "I don't think so."

Kaminari, "Okay. Also... I, um, well, I wanted to say that if you wanted, you could just come to my place when you got off work."

Jirou, "You know I get off work after midnight, right?"

Kaminari, "Yeah."

Jirou, "I'd just be tired when I got there."

Kaminari, "That's totally fine. I just want to see you, and I really liked waking up to you being there and having breakfast together."

Jirou, "Oh. Um."

There was a pause.

Kaminari, "Kyouka? You still there?"

Jirou, "Yeah, I'm here... it's just... Last time I slept over it wasn't planned or anything, but this seems so sudden and I'm not sure how I feel about all the expectations... I'm sorry if you were hoping for a different answer."

Kaminari, "I don't understand, what expectations?"

Jirou, "We're together right... and sleeping over... I figured you'd expect... you know..."

Kaminari, "Kyouka, I don't expect anything from you. If you mean sex, it's not that I wouldn't, you know, want to, but... Ahhh, what I mean is I'll just sleep in a different room if that makes you feel better."

Jirou, "Can I think about it?"

Kaminari, "Yeah, just let me know either way."

Jirou, "Ok. I'll text you when I get off work?"

Kaminari, "Sounds good, have a good day, er, night."

Jirou, "Thanks. I'll see ya later, kay?"

Kaminari, "Okay. See ya."

They hung up. The next time Kyouka texted him she was standing in front of his house, a bag of overnight necessities from the drug store in her hands and her heart in her throat.

Jirou: I'm here.

Kaminari: Where?

Jirou: Your house.

He jumped up from the couch and ran to the door. There she was, standing in the dark with a plastic bag in her hands. Quickly he ushered her in, "I had no idea you were out here! I hope you weren't waiting long. I'm really glad you came."

"Yeah, I'm tired," she responded. Dark circles had formed under her eyes and her shoulders slumped.

"What's uh, in the bag?"

"Oh, I had to buy a toothbrush and some other stuff..."

"I could have gotten them for you... Next time let me know if you need something. Are you hungry? Do you want a snack?"

"No. Just sleep."

She did look tired. He let her go into the bathroom and get ready for bed. Meanwhile, he pulled out the blanket and pillow she used last time and prepared a place for himself on the couch. His bed was already made and the mess from the floor shoved into his closet. It was the one time his mom might actually be proud of how he kept his house. Not that Jirou hadn't seen his messiness the other times she came over, but it felt different now.

"Denki? Can I borrow some sweatpants?" She called from the bathroom.

"Uh, yeah. I'll grab some for you." Luckily, he managed to find a clean pair of pants, but had to re-pile miscellaneous things back into the closet before slamming the door closed.

"Here," he said from the other side of the closed bathroom door. It cracked open and Jirou's arm shot out, quickly grabbing the pants and closing the door again. A muffled "thanks" came through the door. His face began to heat up as he realized she was changing behind the door. What color would her underwear be? Maybe black like her hair? He shock his head, no need to think things like that...

She walked out of the bathroom in the pair of sweatpants and his t-shirt. He forgot that she had taken that... It looked much better on her than it did on him. At this rate she might as well take partial ownership of his whole wardrobe.

"So um," she didn't know why Kaminari was just standing in front of the bathroom door after she opened it. Maybe he was tired too.

"Right!" Her words snapped him out of his thoughts and he turned to the side, "You can sleep in my bed. I'll take the couch."

"The couch is fine for me," she said, walking past his bedroom door to the living room.

"No, please don't! I mean, uh... I'd want you to sleep in an actual bed."

"It's your house and your bed. You should sleep in it."

"No! That's not true! You should sleep in a bed, even if it's mine." Especially if it's mine, he thought.

She turned to him, it was true that she had woken up a bit cramped from sleeping on the couch last time...


They stood in front of his bedroom door, an awkward air permeating the room. After a few seconds, he hugged her stiffly and kissed her forehead, "See you in the morning, baby girl."

"Mm, see you, Denki..." her face felt like it was on fire. She walked into the bedroom and shut the door behind her. This room screamed Denki Kaminari. She smiled to herself. It did feel good to be here, she doubted coming at first, but this place had become like a second home to her. Secretly, she really enjoyed waking up to him being there, too. It had been a long time since... since she felt like she had a friend that she might as well call family.

She had just laid down for a few minutes when she realized she was thirsty. But the bed was too comfy and the sheets were already warmed up, and she really didn't want to get out of the cocoon she had made for herself. Grabbing her phone, she sent Kaminari a quick text.

A minute later he came into the room with a glass of water. She decided his room felt more complete with him in it. Her head was foggy from almost falling asleep, and right now her heart demanded to be heard.

"Denki... stay," she said as she took the glass of water from him.

"You sure?"


She patted the side of the bed next to her and handed the now empty glass back to him. Her head felt heavy. The bed shifted and she pulled the covers closer around her. Something warm and cozy wrapped around her waist and she sighed, falling fast asleep.

A/n: This is too cute to not point out.. Jirou changed into his shirt, even though she wasn't wearing it when she came to his door, and had to buy a toothbrush. Which means even though she wasn't prepared to stay the night when she left for work, she had the shirt with her. Implying that she's been carrying it with her everywhere since he gave it to her.

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