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Jirou stretched in her sleep and her arm bumped into something else. Keeping her eyes closed, she felt around to figure out what it was. It felt like... an arm? Another body was in her bed?! What happened last night??

Her eyes shot open. There were faint rays of sunlight peering through the top of the blinds and the crevasses in the door. This... wasn't her room. It felt nice, though. She turned her head to the side and saw a very much asleep Kaminari. He was sprawled out on his back and snoring lightly.

The peaceful rhythm of his breaths caught her attention. Flashbacks from when he took his shirt off the other day flooded her mind. She reached out and placed her hand on his chest, over his heart. His face looked so happy in his sleep. What if... what if she could wake up like this every day?

His eyes fluttered open and he turned to look at her. She froze. Then his eyes closed again and he pulled her into him, so that her head was nestled over his shoulder. He was so warm, she felt like going back to sleep. She hugged onto him and let out a happy sigh.

"Good morning," he murmured in his morning voice. She could get used to this.

"Good morning baby," she murmured back. After cuddling for a few more minutes they both got up and repeated their breakfast routine. As they sat down, Kaminari pulled out a blank white envelope and placed it on the table.

"So, I got us something. Open it." There was a sparkly in his eyes.

She took a coffee-soaked bite of pop-tart, and then reached out for the envelop. Holding it up to the light, she could see two small pieces of paper. Peering inside, she saw that it was two concert tickets. They were tickets for a One-A concert in the their city!

"Whhhhat? You really bought these?!" She looked excitedly between the tickets and Kaminari.

"Mhm," he nodded, "I wondered why you'd never been to one of their concerts, and I just really wanted to go with you. That's why I asked if you had that day off work."

"Wow! I can't believe this! I never..." For some reason tears started to roll down her cheeks. She went over and hugged him, then stood on her toes to give him a kiss.

"Thank you. I never thought I'd actually go to one of their concerts... The thought of it used to feel weird, but going with you... it would make me so happy."

"I'm glad you're as excited as I am, then," he said as he gave her a big smile and kissed her back. This time she didn't stop him, but she wasn't flustered either. Instead of making her nervous, the kiss actually relaxed her. She felt energized for the day.

They spent the entire day in this music room, ironing out the details of Yui's song. With the One-A concert now on their schedule, they decided to have Yui's concert on the day after. Kaminari also came up with the idea of setting up a little shrine for Yui, so she could watch her concert. Jirou said she could bring some pictures the next time she came over.

Per usual, they forgot to eat basically the whole day. By the time they realized how hungry they were, neither had the energy to make food, so they ordered take out. The night wouldn't be complete without snuggling on the couch and watching what had become "their" show. Since both of them had gotten the chance to sleep in, neither was very tired despite it getting late.

Jirou looked down at their hands, which were intertwined. His hands were a little bigger than hers, so her hand was completely enveloped in his. Something about this felt incredibly right, almost like fate, but more personal. She brought their hands to her lips and kissed the back of Kaminari's palm. He looked over at her and tilted his head to kiss her. This time, she didn't feel the need to stop herself from falling for him. And falling for him she was.

Their lips moved in unison as they tightened their grip on each other. It wasn't enough. Jirou turned her body to face Kaminari and straddled his lap. She fit there perfectly, almost like her body was made for this. His hands went to her hips, so she mimicked him. Feeling the hem of his shirt, she slipped her fingers underneath it and griped the sides of his stomach. He moaned and thrust his hips into her. Breathily, he broke the kiss to whisper, "If you keep going..."

"It's okay," she interrupted him, going to nibble on his ear. His hands went on her breasts, just over her bra, and she felt her body heating up. She moaned as he sucked on her neck.

"Nyh, it's... my first time though, so... I don't... really know what I'm doing," she whispered. Her brain was fracturing into a million pieces. At this rate she didn't know if she'd be able to form a coherent sentence after a few minutes.

"Don't worry, it'll be my first time too," he whispered back to her, pulling his shirt off over his head. She snaked her arms around his neck and pushed her body into his, craving more contact.

"What did you say? I totally thought that you... mmmmgyn... that you'd have...," she lost track of her words as he pulled off her shirt and kissed down her collarbone. Every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire.

Something was worrying her though, "Then how will we know if we're doing it right?"

He laughed, his breath tickling her skin, "Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I'm naive."

He shifted so they could stand up and led her to the bedroom, "We'll know we're doing it right when I hear you moan my name..."

Segue: KamiJirouWhere stories live. Discover now