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Kaminari rubbed his eyes as he woke up to a soft knock on his bedroom door. He panicked slightly, he lived alone so why was someone outside his bedroom door? Then he remembered last night- Kyouka- she was the one standing outside his door.

"Be right there," he called in a groggy morning voice. Getting out of bed to put on some clothes, he noticed a certain part of his body didn't forget last night at all. So much for wearing sweat pants.

"Um, do you have work today? What time do to usually have to leave?" She asked through the door.

"No work," he called back, still too sleepy to form a complete sentence. Pulling a t-shirt over his head that he found on the floor next to his feet, he opened his door.

"Oh, ah, good morning," she blushed as he stood in the open doorway. Kaminari stared at her hard.

There she was, with her disheveled hair and the sleep not yet chased from her eyes. Something about seeing her this way, it seemed so... Yes, that was the only word he could form in his brain. Yes. Also he really had to pee.

"Um, are you alive? Or did you turn into a zombie overnight?" She waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"Oh! I'm alive, barely anyways. Hang on a sec, um, help yourself to anything you want..." he rushed off to the bathroom. Unfortunately he wasn't the sleeping beauty Jirou was, so he quickly brushed his teeth and ran some gel through his hair. Feeling much more refreshed, he came back out to find her making coffee in the kitchen.

"Not a morning person are you?" She smiled as she saw him. Yes.

"No, not at all. Good morning, by the way," he said as he pulled her into a hug. Yes.

She hugged him back. Yes.

"So, I guess we can have eggs for breakfast, or pop-tarts, that's what I usually have," he suggested.

"Then pop-tarts for sure. Have you ever tried dunking them in your coffee before eating them?"

"Uh, no, I eat them like a regular person."

"Well, you're missing out."

He gave it a try to humor her and found that he wasn't missing out on anything after all. Coffee and pop-tarts were definitely meant to be separate entities. It was kinda nice, though, not eating alone. At the very least it was something he could get used to. After they finished their small breakfast, he reached over to take their plates to the sink, but as he did Jirou suddenly pulled her hand back with the plate in it.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking over at her. For some reason her face was a little red.

"Nothing! I'll take the plates to the sink," she quickly answered and walked into the kitchen before he could figure out what was going on. Sighing, he followed to stop her from doing dishes, he'd take care of it later.

"Hey, don't worry a-"

"Denki?" Her voice was abrupt and uncertain. She turned off the sink and walked up to him, fiddling with her hands in front of her.

"What is it?" Concerned, he reached out and set his hands on her shoulders. Then she kissed him. Their lips fit perfectly together. Her hands came up to rest on his chest and she leaned into the kiss, savoring the moment. After a while she pulled back, and was finally able to look him in the eyes.

"S-sorry, I couldn't get that off my mind," she whispered to him quietly, as if it were a secret that she didn't want others to hear. Continuing, she said, "Although, now my mind is even more occupied."

"Mine too," he murmured going in for another kiss. She loved how safe and loved she felt wrapped in his arms. The feeling of falling in love was scary for her, but it was also addictive. Pressing her soft chest into him, she felt arousal she had only hoped for in the past... her consciousness was slipping into a dangerous place.

To halt her tumble down the path she wasn't yet sure if she wanted to go , she pulled away from the kiss and placed three fingers over Kaminari's lips. Why did they have to be so soft?He silently looked at her, their faces inches apart and only her fingers separating their lips. Why did his eyes have to be such a beautiful golden color? Why did his hair have to look so soft and touchable? Why did he make her feel this way?

"I think I should get back to my place. So I can prepare for work and stuff..." she said as her eyes shifted to her hand. Feeling embarrassed and slightly overwhelmed, she hid her face in his shoulder. Since when had he become her place to hide away from the world?

His arms wrapped around her back and held her head into him. She instantly relaxed, not wanting to leave, but she wasn't prepared for what would happen if she didn't. Her heart and her mind were at war.

"Okay," Kaminari whispered into her hair, "when will I get to see you again?"

"I have work off the day after tomorrow," she said into his shirt. It smelled like him and for some reason she wanted to take it home with her.

"I'll get someone to cover my shift and we can just chill that day, okay?"

She nodded. With the promise of another day together, she finally managed to pull herself together and lean off of him. Maybe she should have decided to stay longer, but it was already too late.

"Can I have this?" She asked, tugging lightly at his shirt sleeve.

"You... want my shirt?" He asked. The confused expression on his face only made her blush again.


"This one needs to be washed, why don't I get you a clean one?" He shifted towards his bedroom door.

"No! I mean... I want this one," she was too flustered to look at him so she locked her eyes onto the sleeve she stubbornly held in her fingers.

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"Ehhh~what are you doing?!" She exclaimed as he took his shirt off, exposing his bare chest.

"Giving you my shirt?" As he said the words, he looked at her face and a blush formed over his own.

"Oh, ah, let me put on something else then..." He rushed off to the bedroom.

Jirou was left with his shirt in her hands. She went to gather her things before meeting him back at the front door. They said a quick goodbye and soon they were on their separate paths again. Without knowing, both of them leaned their backs against the front door. Kaminari on one side and Jirou on the other, both thinking the exact same things.

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